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It's not too late to order your 2021 WISCAT license!

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

It's not too late to order a 2021 WISCAT license! A license remains $200 per calendar year per library code for access to all WISCAT functionality. To learn more about WISCAT, visit our WISCAT Licensing page. To place an order, please use the online order form.

Please make note of the following:

  • The WISCAT licensing form auto-populates some information for you. Begin typing your library code or library name and select the correct library that appears, and the form should auto-populate your library’s address if you’ve previously had a WISCAT license.
  • The form auto-generates an invoice for you and sends it to the email address you provide. Please print your invoice and remit it with payment to the DPI address on the invoice. Invoices will not be mailed to individual libraries.
  • If you are purchasing multiple licenses at once, you will need to submit the form for each individual license. However, you may use one single check to cover all licenses.
  • Entities representing a legally constituted county library AND acting as an ILL Clearinghouse qualify for alternative pricing, as in past years. If this applies to you, please contact us directly via email to place your order.
  • As in previous years, purchase orders cannot be accepted on DPI’s end, but if your business office requires one you may enter your purchase order number in the form for the convenience of your local business office.

Contact us if you have any questions regarding WISCAT licensing at or 888.542.5543.


Public Library System Redesign (PLSR) Implementation Update

Monday, December 7, 2020

The PLSR Project Implementation web page has recently been updated and includes a link to the project roadmap for the activities and timeline for each of the recommendations. A recorded video presentation can be viewed to see what’s been updated on the web page and provides an overview of the roadmap.

Additionally, you can view this recorded presentation or see the slide deck for the presentation given during Wisconsin Trustee Training week in August 2020. This presentation provided a general implementation overview for each PLSR Steering Committee recommendation, including priority levels and next steps.


Update WISCAT & BadgerLink URLs by December 1!

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Do you link to your library’s WISCAT instance or any BadgerLink resources on your library website?

As of September 30th, 2019, all WISCAT & BadgerLink resource URLs changed. Our vendor is currently providing a redirect but that will no longer be in effect as of December 1, 2020.


For reference, the updated URL structure for linking directly to your library’s WISCAT instance is where XXXX = your library’s WISCAT code. If your WISCAT link ends with reset=force, it is outdated and will not work after December 1.

The updated URL structure for linking to BadgerLink’s authenticated URLs (e.g. Academic Search Premier) is formatted as: As of December 1, 2020, there will no longer be a redirect when using this outdated authenticated URL structure for BadgerLink Resources:

Take a look at your WISCAT & BadgerLink URLs and contact us at or with any questions!


Recommended Materials Quarantine Time Reduced

Monday, October 12, 2020

In response to inquiries received from various sources connected to the Wisconsin library community, the Division for Libraries and Technology (DLT) reached out to the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) for guidance on the handling and circulation of library materials during the COVID-19 pandemic. The decision to contact DHS at this time was based on the recent advice released by the State Library of Oregon, in response to concerns about independent interpretation of the results of the REALM project, whose research has provided information about the viability of the virus on library materials, but has not provided specific recommendations on materials handling.

Upon review of the guidance provided by the State Library of Oregon, advice from the experts at the Oregon Health Authority, and review of the REALM test results, Wisconsin DHS agreed with the Oregon Health Authority’s interpretation that a 24-hour quarantine time would be sufficient as a precautionary measure.

DLT acknowledges that these recommendations are intended to assist libraries in making local decisions about handling and circulating materials safely. Regional and local conditions should be taken into account when considering changes to current materials handling and delivery practices. We strongly encourage local libraries to communicate with their public library systems prior to making such changes, as systems may need time to prepare for logistical challenges brought on by an influx of circulating materials.

Libraries can continue to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19 by following the safety protocols of mask wearing, social distancing, hand washing, increased cleaning; by avoiding touching one’s eyes, nose, and mouth; and by limiting in-person services and reducing occupancy within their facilities.

The Wisconsin Public Libraries Reopening Guide will be edited to include this updated information this week.

Submitted by the Libraries Team, DLT


Quarantine Increased to Four Days, per Battelle Test 2 Results

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

On July 21, 2020, scientists at Battelle Labs released the results of Test 2of the REALM Project. Library materials tested included Braille paper pages, glossy book pages, magazine pages, children’s board books, and archival folders, in varying environmental conditions. While most of these results came back acceptable under current recommended quarantine practices, the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19 showed a trace amount of virus at four days on certain materials. In light of these results, DPI and the system directors have determined that the recommended quarantine time for library materials be increased to four days.

We realize that an increase in quarantine time may be burdensome to many libraries; this decision was not made lightly. Because the public library is an institution that people trust, honoring that trust by being cautious with protocols involving public safety, particularly when the science supports doing so, is of utmost importance.

We continue to encourage libraries to communicate with their public library systems to make sure they are consistent with regional quarantine practices. For more information, please see the Wisconsin Public Libraries Reopening Guide and the COVID-19 page for Wisconsin public libraries.

Submitted by the Library Team, Division for Libraries & Technology

