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Student and Staff Identity Integration

Student and Staff Identity Integration in WISEid

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Student Identity Integration allows student information system (SIS) vendors to integrate with the WISEid application, which assigns a unique ID to a person. SIS vendors that implement this integration provide a means for their schools and districts to retrieve and review potential student matches and to create WISEids for students through their SIS. The matches displayed on the SIS should be examined before creating a new WISEid.

This feature applies only to student records in WISEid. Staff records must continue to be managed through the normal WISEid person upload processes.

Does My Vendor Support This Feature?

To find out if your SIS vendor has implemented WISEid's Student Identity Integration, refer to the Vendor List. Look for "Student Identity Integration" in the Supported Feature column.

Using Student Identity Integration

If your SIS supports the Student Identity Integration feature, you can perform several WISEid tasks directly in your SIS, including reviewing potential student matches and creating WISEids for students. Refer to your SIS vendor's documentation for instructions on using these features in your SIS.

NEW! for the 2024-25 School Year: Staff Identity Integration

Select vendors will support the capacity to create WISEids for staff using the Identity API. Stay tuned to the to the Vendor List to find out if your vendor support this new feature!

Important note: Schools and districts must continue to upload student records to WISEid through the Upload Person Data tool at least twice per year: once at the beginning of the school year, and once at the end of the school year. For more information about WISEid uploads, refer to the WISEid/WISEstaff File Uploads Mini Tutorial.

FAQs, Details, and Points to Note

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