The clinically trained mental health professional license is under the Department of Public Instruction’s Administrative Code PI 34.0375. It is not classified as a teaching,
pupil services, or administrative license, and therefore does not advance to other tiers of licensure.
Eligibility Requirements
Role and Scope of Work
How to Apply in ELO
License Renewal Requirements
Eligibility Requirements
Eligibility for the Clinically Trained Mental Health Professional license requires an applicant to hold both:
- a master's degree in marriage and family therapy, mental health counseling, social work, or a similar field
- a valid license issued by the Marriage and Family Therapy, Professional Counseling, and Social Work Examining Board in one of the following:
- marriage and family therapy
- clinical professional counselor
- clinical social worker
In addition, the applicant must:
- Complete a background check with the Department of Public Instruction during the application process. This consists of submitting fingerprints and a Conduct & Competency questionnaire.
- Agree to:
- store, safeguard, and dispose of client records in ways that maintain confidentiality and comply with the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, 45 CFR 164.502
- maintain accurate and adequate clinical and financial records in accordance with the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, 45 CFR 164.502.
Role and Scope of Work
An individual with this license can work as a mental health professional within the scope of their underlying license issued by the Marriage and Family Therapy, Professional Counseling, and Social Work Examining Board. This professional provides clinical social work, marriage and family therapy, or professional counseling Tier 3 supports and interventions in virtual or physical school settings.
Individuals with this license may also:
- Provide mental health care coordination and wrap around supports for students and their families.
- Serve as members of multi-level systems of support intervention teams within school settings to provide mental health knowledge and support.
- Serve on crisis prevention and intervention teams.
- Provide professional development, coaching, and technical assistance to educators, families, and community members on mental health topics that are within the scope of their clinical training, expertise and experience.
- Provide related services documented in a student’s IEP for which they are trained and qualified to provide.
Outside the Role and Scope of Work
This license is not a pupil services license. This license does not authorize someone to be a teacher, school social worker, school counselor or school psychologist. Individuals who wish to perform work in those roles need to apply for and receive the requisite license to perform those duties. For more information on those licenses: Teaching License Pathways or Pupil Services Pathway
Clinically Trained Mental Health Professionals may NOT perform the following activities:
(This is not an exhaustive list.)
- Conduct or interpret a special education assessment or evaluation.
- Act as the lea representative for an individualized education plan (IEP) team meeting.
- Provide specially designed instruction for students with IEP.
- Lead social developmental histories for special education evaluations.
- Lead functional behavioral assessments or behavioral intervention plans for students.
- Lead a psychosocial educational group without a licensed dpi pupil services professional.
- Lead the development of an individual health plan or 504 plan.
- Determine educational programming decisions (e.g credit determination, class level placement or scheduling).
- Act as the point of contact for federal Every Student Succeeds Act educational stability for students in out-of-home care, act as the homeless liaison under McKinney Vento Homeless Assistance Act, or lead attendance improvement meetings with individual students and families.
- Coordinate a school-age parent program or provide instruction or services under wis. Stat. (§) 115.92, excepting the provision of mental health therapy to school-age parents.
- Implement ongoing lessons in large group or classroom settings (including, but not limited to health, sel, careers) without a licensed pupil services professional.
- Provide career readiness appraisal, advisement, and post-secondary planning and activities, including academic and career planning (acp) programming and coordination.
- Provide individual student academic planning and goal setting.
- Fulfill the administrative rule PI 8.01(2)(e) requirement that school district boards provide a program of guidance and counseling services for all pupils.
- Provide field supervision for practicum or intern students in school social work, school counseling, or school psychology programs.
How to Apply for Clinically Trained Mental Health Professional License
The PI 34 chapter regarding Clinically Trained Mental Health Professional licenses can be found under the Department of Public Instruction’s Administrative Code PI 34.0375.
Application Fee: $125
Resulting License Type: Tier I, two-year renewable license
1. Determine if you must submit fingerprints
- Use the fingerprint decision tree to determine if this step is needed. If you have determined that you need fingerprints, submit them electronically via our vendor Fieldprint by following the Electronic Fingerprint Submission directions.
2. Gather Documents
Scan all documentation into files (.pdf, .doc/docx, .jpg/jpeg, or .txt) that are 2MB or less in size
- a copy of your master's degree
- a copy of at least one of the following:
- a valid clinical marriage and family therapy license
- a valid clinical professional counselor license
- a valid clinical social worker license issued by the Marriage and Family Therapy, Professional Counseling, and Social Work Examining Board
3. Log in to Educator Licensing Online (ELO)
- Within ELO, make sure you have answered the three onboarding questions.
- Find the Start a New Transaction for a New License section of the Quick Start Menu. Select the following choices from the drop-down menu in the application:
- "4-Other Category"
- "Clinically-Trained Mental Health Professional License [O120]"
- "Request Clinically-Trained Mental Health Professional License [1020]"
- Click the “GO!” button.
- Complete each page of the application as instructed. Review your Application Summary and edit information if necessary OR click the “SUBMIT” button to submit your application.
4. Receive Email Confirmation
5. Complete Application on ELO
- Click the GO! button next to “Submit C&C and Payment to Complete Application.”
- Review your fees.
- Complete the Conduct and Competency Questionnaire (14 questions).
- Pay with a credit card or pre-paid card.
License Renewal Requirements
Apply to renew this license using this same application and supply the required documents.
Further information about this license may be found in the related information bulletin.