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Many times, course schedules may not yet be available for the term in which students are applying. Here are some strategies that will help students select which courses to apply for:

  • Look at courses offered in the same term of the previous year – it is likely they will be offered during the same term in the upcoming year.
  • In addition to listing the primary courses you want to take, list a few alternative courses on your ECCP application in case one or more of your primary courses are not offered or available.
  • Reach out to the dual enrollment contact at the campus you wish to attend. We will be updating our DPI Dual Enrollment webpages to include campus contacts very soon.

In addition, below are links to frequently taken ECCP courses that have been shared by higher education partners. There is no guarantee that all courses will be offered every semester.

For questions about this information, contact Karin Smith (608) 267-3161