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Wisconsin Pupil Services Evaluation System


The Wisconsin Pupil Services Evaluation System is an optional professional evaluation system for the four pupil services professions of school counseling, nursing, psychology, and social work that is parallel in format and rigor to the Wisconsin Educator Effectiveness System. Pupil services professionals may develop a Pupil Services Evaluation Plan (PSEP) in Frontline Education Platform© for each year in the Evaluation Cycle or may use other formats available to school districts (see below).

Profession-Specific Rubrics
Pupil services professional practice is evaluated using one of the four profession-specific rubrics that were developed in collaboration with the four Wisconsin professional pupil services associations (WASN, WSCA, WSPA, WSSWA).

Pupil service professionals’ scope of services largely depends on the number of students for whom they are expected to provide services (i.e. the more students the smaller the scope). Expectation of service delivery is impacted by the variance from the recommended student-staff ratios of the national associations.


Staff to Student Ratio

School Counselors


School Nurses

The National Association of School Nurses has no set ratio. Please see NASN Position Statement “School Nurse Workload: Staffing for Safe Care”

School Psychologists


School Social Workers


The rubrics developed for each of the four professions were created with the assumption that some schools in the state of Wisconsin offer pupil services consistent with the student-staff ratios recommended by their respective national professional associations. Not every pupil service professional or school system will be able to address every component in these rubrics. Administration and pupil service providers should have a conversation around how ratios impact their scope of services at the beginning of the year orientation meeting and planning session.

These rubrics are not intended to be used as a stand-alone evaluation tool, rather as part of the Wisconsin Pupil Services Evaluation System. It is part of a collaborative effort to demonstrate an individual professional’s growth and development over time. Early practice pupil service professionals are anticipated to operate in the Emerging or Basic ranges. Most pupil service professionals who have five or more years of experience are anticipated to operate in the Basic to Proficient ranges on most items. Over time, pupil service professionals are expected to develop additional skills and competencies along the continuum.

Student or Program Outcomes (SPOs)

SPOs are rigorous, achievable goals developed collaboratively by pupil services professionals and their evaluators, based on identified student or program needs across a specified period of time (typically an academic year). Pupil services professionals will develop one SPO annually, for a minimum of one to three SPOs available as evidence toward their final SPO score in their Summary Year, depending on how many years are in their Evaluation Cycle.

Professional Practice Goal (PPG)

A PPG is a goal focused on a pupil services professional’s practice. Pupil services professionals will develop one practice-related goal annually. This goal is not scored, but serves to align a pupil services professional’s SPO to her/his professional practice.

Pupil Services Evaluation System User Guide

Performance Evaluations by Profession

Below are links to discipline-specific evaluation tools for the Pupil Services Evaluation System. Templates are designed to be downloaded and completed as fillable templates. There is no limit to the amount of text for most text fields.

School Counseling Evaluation System
School Nursing Evaluation System
School Psychology Evaluation System
School Social Work Evaluation System

For questions about this information, contact (608) 266-8960