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Title I Committee of Practitioners

Event Date

Thursday, May 9, 2024 -
9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
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Event Description


Purpose of the Meeting:

  1.  To share information about the Statewide Supports for Continuous Improvement (SSCI) (15 mins)
  2.  To seek input from the committee regarding the following key areas:
    1. Resource Inequity Tool required for Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) identified schools
    2. Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Consolidated Monitoring
    3. Title I Supports for Early Childhood Initiatives
    4. Technical Assistance for Equitable Participation
  3. To share information about work occurring at the federal level regarding Title I and other federal grants, as applicable.


I. Welcome and introductions

II. Review the meeting objectives for the day


A. Explain the process

          B. Share out the outcomes to date and next steps

IV. Resource Inequity Tool (RIT)

A. Review the requirement for ESSA Identified Schools

B. Provide feedback on elements of the RIT for potential revision

V. ESEA Consolidated Monitoring

A. Overview of work completed during the 2023-24 school year

B. Seek feedback to help determine priorities and next steps

VI. Title I Supports for Early Childhood Initiatives

A. Overview of new guidance

B. Seek feedback on Local Educational Agency (LEA) need for Early Childhood initiatives funded by Title I

VII. Technical Assistance for Equitable Participation

A. Provide an overview of the technical assistance work plan developed this spring based data and feedback from internal and external partners and the work that will be completed by the end of June

B. Seek feedback to help prioritize work for the 2024-25 school year

VIII. Federal Updates

A. Provide information regarding grant allocations, application timelines, etcetera

IX. Agenda for the next meeting

A. Identify needs and topics for the next meeting

X. Closing comments


Link to Virtual Meeting:
Or call in (audio only): 1 608-620-9781; Phone Conference ID: 292 927 024#


Shelly Babler
Title I and School Support Director