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Wisconsin American Indian Studies Listserv

Wisconsin American Indian Studies Listserv

The wi-aislist is designed to share information electronically from the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) to educators and others with an interest in the history, culture, and tribal sovereignty of the American Indians nations and tribal communities in Wisconsin and the education of Native American students.

DPI will use this listserv to:

The listserv is not open but is an announcement list moderated by the American Indian Studies Program staff. The listserv is designed to share vetted information to Wisconsin educators including but not limited to: early childhood, head start and pre-school staff, 4K-12 (public, tribal, private, or charter), pre-service teachers, classroom teachers, teacher aides, school counselors, social workers, psychologists, curriculum specialists, library media specialists, home-school coordinators, Title VI Indian Education and Johnson O’Malley (JOM) staff, coordinators and administrators, principals and superintendents, Cooperative Educational Service Agencies (CESAs), tribal education staff, college and university (especially schools of education) students, faculty, staff and administrators, and all others with an interest in American Indian Studies and the education of Native American students.  You are all welcome to subscribe by entering your name and email in the subscription boxes below.

Image of hands typing on keyboard

Subscribe to wi-aislist List

For questions about this information, contact David O'Connor (608) 267-2283