The Title IIA Education Leadership Development grant is aimed at helping collaborate with local educational agencies, partners who will create, implement, and evaluate a program designed to enhance, diversify, and retain teaching staff.
Feb. 20, 2023
● increase and/or retain the number of teachers, principals, and other school leaders
● improve the effectiveness of teachers, principals, and other school leaders;
● provide students from low income families and students of color consistent access to effective teachers, principals, and other school leaders.
Proposals will be accepted from organizations that have partnered with high need LEAs. High needs LEAs are determined by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction and are identified as schools with 50% or higher populations with low socio-economic status. Applications submitted by the LEAs will not be accepted.
The Wisconsin DPI's Literacy and Mathematics team administers the following ESEA grant programs:
- Title II, Part A – Teacher and Principal Training and Recruiting Fund Grant
- ESEA Highly Qualified Paraprofessionals
- ESEA Leadership Development Grants (deadline February 20, 2023)
Grant Guidelines
Application Package