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Private School Testing

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Private schools in Wisconsin that wish to utilize the ACT for their students will need to contact ACT directly to arrange for administration. For more information, please contact :

Dean Simon


Private schools who need to administer ACCESS for ELLs must work with their local district to create a logistical plan for implementation. As ACCESS for ELLs is now online for grades 1-12, this may require setting up a testing environment at the private school, or scheduling a time for students to take the test at a public school location.

Wisconsin Forward Exam

Forward Exam logo
Wisconsin students take the Forward Exam which is administered in:
  • English language arts and mathematics for grades 3-8,
  • science for grades 4, and 8,
  • social studies for grades 4, 8, and 10.

Private schools in Wisconsin that wish to utilize the Forward Exam for their students must complete and submit the Forward Exam Private School Order Form

More information can be found by contacting:


PreACT Secure

ACT Aspire logo

Private schools in Wisconsin that wish to utilize the PreACT Secure assessments for their students will need to contact PreACT Secure directly to arrange for administration. More information, including ordering information, can be found by contacting:

Dean Simon