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NAEP Overview Resources


NAEP and State Assessments Fact Sheet- Describes the differences between NAEP and state assessments.

State Comparison Tool - Provides tables and maps that compare states and jurisdictions based on the average scale scores for selected groups of public school students within a single assessment year, or compare the change in performance between two assessment years

NAEP Information for Families - Brochure for families which contains a general overview of NAEP.

Resources for Schools Participating in NAEP

  • Districts selected for participation in NAEP are usually notified by the end of May or early June. All schools selected to participate in NAEP are usually notified around the end of June, when building principals and district assessment coordinators receive their schools' assessment dates. Please note that for NAEP 2024-25, district notifications are delayed until late-June and school notifications will be sent out on different schedules due to the different test windows.
  • In the fall, schools participating in NAEP will receive information about registering for the new Assessment Management System (AMS) and completing tasks to prepare for NAEP testing in their schools.
  • Materials for participating schools are posted online on schools’ AMS pages.

If you have questions about the assessment or need to change your assessment date please contact Angela Dugas at (608) 267-2273, or visit your AMS page.

NAEP 2024 Assessments 

2024 NAEP in Your School High School Transcript Study 

NAEP 2024-25 Assessments

Resources for Schools Participating in TALIS

Selected schools in Wisconsin are participating in the Teaching and Learning International Survey 2024.

Resources for Schools Participating in PISA 2025

Selected schools in Wisconsin are participating in the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2025.