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Special Education Data

The special education team collects and processes data on special education programming required in Wisconsin Statutes, Chapter 115, and for reporting requirements under the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 2004 and as required under the No Child Left Behind Act. Much of the student-specific data is collected through the Individual Student Enrollment System (ISES). Other state special education programming data is submitted through the Special Education Portal via the Local Performance Plan, the School Performance Report, the Procedural Compliance Self-Assessment, and through surveys. For information on our activities related to the timely and accurate submission of data, including the accurate reporting of environment codes, see Indicator #20 of our Wisconsin State Performance Plan (SPP).


Special Education Portal (LPP) Data Collection


  • Special Education District Profile
  • IDEA Flow-through and Preschool Entitlement Budgets
  • Indicator 4: Suspensions/Expulsions
  • Indicator 7: Child Outcomes (Data Collection)
  • Indicator 12: Part C to Part B Transition (Data Collection)
  • Indicator 12: Part C to Part B Transition Improvement Plan
  • VI Child





IDEA Federal Student Data - Child Count



In an effort to consolidate data collection systems and eliminate duplication of data collection efforts within local educational agencies (LEAs), data elements previously collected through the PI-2197 Federal Student Data application, commonly known as Child Count, were integrated into the Individual Student Enrollment System (ISES) beginning with the 2007-08 school year.


Special Education State LEA Reports
Special Education Data Profile

Federal Statewide Reports
-child count

School Performance Report (SPR)

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