GED Testing Service Changed the Cut Score for Passing the GED
On January 26, 2016, GED Testing Service (GEDTS) announced that they would be changing the cut score to pass the GED Test from 150 to 145 effective March 1, 2016.
- Why did GEDTS make this change?
GEDTS was able to use all of the data from the first two years of testing to recalibrate the score range. More information is available here:
- Will Wisconsin recognize the new passing cut score of 145 that goes into effect on March 1, 2016?
Yes, Wisconsin recognizes the cut score of 145 for passing the GED tests.
- What about GEDO #2 Programs?
Please check with your local school district contact for your GEDO #2 Program because the diplomas are issued by the school district.
- How to get more information?
Check with the chief examiner at your testing center or contact state administration at ged/