Resources to support further learning, including links to relevant research, future and past training, resources to assist SLPs in understanding the intersection of race, culture, and language, DPI compliance bulletins and other professional learning support.
Upcoming Events and Hot Topics
Considerations for Interruptions in IEP Service Delivery
An interruption in service occurs whenever an IEP service is not provided according to the frequency, amount, or duration documented in a student's IEP. The Wisconsin DPI (Department of Public Instruction) receives numerous questions about how to address interruptions in service delivery; especially regarding missed or delayed speech and language services due to chronic statewide shortages of speech-language pathologists (SLPs). This document outlines considerations for local education agencies (LEAs) faced with interruptions of a student’s individualized education program (IEP) services and clarifies situations in which IEP teams may need to consider compensatory services.
Considering Discontinuation of IEP Services from a Speech-Language Pathologist
Discontinuation (also commonly referred to as dismissal) of specially designed instruction or related services provided by an SLP may be applicable to students identified with a speech or language impairment (SLI) or any other disability category. This document is to provide direction to local education agencies (LEAs) and Individualized Education Program (IEP) team participants when considering discontinuation of IEP services from a speech-language pathologist (SLP).
Addressing Feeding and Swallowing in Schools
Management of feeding and swallowing in the schools begins with a well-organized, detailed procedure for identifying and supporting students who exhibit the signs and symptoms of a Pediatric Feeding Disorder (PFD). Working as an interdisciplinary team is essential. This free monthly webinar series aims to enhance the capacity of school professionals in the provision of mealtime supports and services for the inclusion and participation of all students. School team members (e.g., Administrators, Speech-Language Pathologists, Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, Nurses, School Nutrition teams, Psychologists, Social Workers, Counselors, Special Educators, Classroom Teachers, and Paraprofessionals) are encouraged to attend virtually beginning on September 4th. Click on the flier for registration, dates, and more information.
Guidance When Conducting Comprehensive Assessments for Speech-Language Impairment
This YouTube playlist contains videos that were developed and recorded in 2021 as part of live events for speech-language pathologists related to comprehensive special education evaluation. The videos could be utilized for professional development hours in districts and as resources for SLPs who are new graduates or new to the school setting.
Are you an SLP, OT or PT professional with 5 or fewer years of experience working in a school setting? Whether you are a new graduate or shifting job settings, this series is for you! From federal and state regulations to comprehensive evaluations and evidence-based, best practices, this series will prepare early career and new to schools professionals for school-based service delivery. Click below for recordings of the New to Schools Bootcamp.
The Role of Medical and Clinical Information in Special Education Evaluation and IEP Development
Schools and IEP teams often receive information from medical or clinical providers when conducting comprehensive special education evaluations and when developing a student's Individualized Education Program (IEP). To clarify the important role medical and clinical information has in special education evaluation and IEP processes, Wisconsin DPI developed this informational resource document as part of the Comprehensive Special Education Evaluation Framework. Click to view this new resource The Role of Medical and Clinical Information in Special Education Evaluation and IEP Development.
Considering Related Services from a Speech-Language Pathologist Webinar
This webinar from April 26th, 2023 outlines IEP team considerations for adding related services from a speech-language pathologist to address a student's unique disability-related needs and IEP goals.
The Role of Speech-Language Pathologists in Wisconsin’s Equitable Multi-Level Systems of Supports
Although the role of speech-language pathologists (SLPs) in supporting students receiving special education through an Individualized Education Program (IEP) is clear, there are often questions about other roles SLPs may have in supporting all students within equitable multi-level systems of supports.
Providing Related Services via Teleservice
Teleservice is defined as the application of telecommunications technology to the delivery of services at a distance by linking the practitioner to a student, parent/caregiver or other service provider for intervention and/or consultation, often through related services identified in a student’s Individualized Education Program.
Archived Wisconsin DPI Speech-Language Resources, Webinars, Presentations, and Community of Practice Meetings
Conducting Comprehensive Assessments for Speech-Language Impairment
Additional archived videos for the Community of Practice for Related Service Providers is available on the DPI special education team professional learning events web page.
SLP Connections October 2019: Evidence-Based Practices and Inclusive Practices
Considerations In Using Facial Coverings When Supporting Students During In-Person Instruction
Must-Read Research and Articles for Speech-Language Pathologists
Evaluation and Eligibility for Speech-Language Services in Schools
Eligibility Criteria: Is the Low End of Normal Always Appropriate?
Evaluating Children in US Public Schools with Speech Sound Disorders
Educational Equity
- Disproportionality Technical Assistance Network (The Network)
The Network is an excellent resource for professional learning opportunities to further understanding of race and the inequities of our educational system for students of color. - ASHA: Cultural Competence
- ASHA: That’s Unheard of