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WI State Performance Plan (SPP), Indicator #1

Technical Assistance


IEP Diploma Exiters


Data Source: EDFacts FS009.

Federal Measurement (20 U.S.C. 1416 (a)(3)(A)):

Numerator - Youth with IEPs ages 14-21 who exited special education with a regular high school diploma

Denominator - All youth with IEPs ages 14-21 who left school (including those who graduated with a regular diploma, dropped out, or reached maximum age).

Note: this measurement is unique compared to traditional measures of graduation, as (a) it does not include students who are continuing their education in the denominator, (b) is incomparable to youth without IEPs, as it uses IEP exiter data, and (c) includes students in grades prior to grade 12 in the denominator who are not eligible to graduate. Data users should take care not to confuse this measurement with other graduation reporting provided by the state.

The requirements for obtaining a regular diploma in Wisconsin are the same for students with disabilities and students without disabilities with one exception. Under Wisconsin State Statute §118.33(1m), students without IEPs must take and pass the high school civics test before they may be awarded a high school diploma. Students with IEPs must take the high school civics test (unless the IEP team determines that it is not appropriate to administer the test), but students with IEPs are not required to pass the high school civics test in order to receive a high school diploma. This statutory requirement went into effect beginning in the 2016-2017 school year.

Data - Special Education Indicators


Major Goals

  1. Decrease the gap in graduation rates between students with disabilities and students without disabilities.
  2. Decrease the dropout rate for students with disabilities.

Primary Objectives

  • Promote development of positive school climates.
  • Promote development of district policies and procedures that eliminate barriers to graduation for students with disabilities.
  • Assist districts in understanding the relationship among qualified staff, adequate resources, and student achievement.
  • Identify multiple options for student learning and school success.

School Improvement Review Checklists

These checklists are tools to help school districts determine if they have policies in place in each area for students with disabilities that impact student engagement and eventual graduation. By completing the checklists and documenting the source and location of related documents, the district is in a position to address any areas not covered that may be negatively impacting their students with disabilities.

Training and Technical Assistance