Post High School Outcomes
Indicator 14 helps us describe the further education and competitive employment experiences of youth with disabilities as they transition from high school to adult life. Indicator 14 of the Wisconsin State Performance Plan (SPP) requires states report an unduplicated count of the:
“Percent of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were:
A. Enrolled in higher education within one year of leaving high school.
B. Enrolled in higher education or competitively employed within one year of leaving high school.
C. Enrolled in higher education or in some other postsecondary education or training; or competitively employed or in some other employment within one year of leaving high school”
20 USC 1416(a)(3)(B)
Indicator 14 is an unduplicated, hierarchical count of the activities in which youth are participating in within one year after exiting their postsecondary education placement. Data for this indicator will be collected through the Wisconsin Indicator 14 Post School Outcomes Survey.
- Higher education: 4 year college or university, 2-year college or community college, or a technical college (2 year degree) program.
- Other postsecondary education: High school completion degree, vocational school, apprenticeship or short-term training program, on-the-job training program, Job Corps, adult education, vocational/technical school (less than a two year program), Vista, Peace Corps, AmeriCorps, and other types of training or programs.
- Competitive employment: 90 days of cumulative or consecutive work and minimum wage or greater and an average of 20 hours per week or more in a setting with others who are non-disabled; includes military, supported employment, self-employment or a family business if criteria of competitive employment are met.
- Other employment: Work for pay or self-employment for a period of at least 90 days at any time in the year since leaving high school; includes sheltered employment, volunteer, self-employment, work out of one’s home, farming, others if competitive employment criteria are not fully met.
For current information regarding this indicator please review:
Interagency Competitive Integrated Employment Plan
The Department of Workforce Development's Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR), the Department of Health Services (DHS), and the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) have a long history of interagency collaboration in serving individuals with disabilities. Effective interagency collaboration is based on a shared vision, common goals, and mutual benefit for collaborative stakeholders and people with disabilities. In response to 2017 Wisconsin Act 178, DVR, DHS, and DPI have reaffirmed their commitment to work together to improve the lives of youth and adults with disabilities in Wisconsin by increasing competitive integrated employment (CIE) outcomes.
2017 Wisconsin Act 178 requires DVR, DHS, and DPI to collaborate, with the input of stakeholders, in the development of a joint plan to increase CIE. This plan establishes performance improvement targets, describing specific coordination methods to ensure programs, policies, and procedures support CIE. The departments will update the plan at least biennially. As part of the plan, each department has developed three performance improvement targets and cross-agency objectives to implement collaboratively to improve CIE outcomes for youth and adults with disabilities in the state.
For more information on the current plan and annual report please visit the CIE website hosted by DVR.
Notification of Special Education Transition Incentive Grants
Overview of Funding
The Special Education Transition Incentive Grant is a categorical aid program created under 2015 Act 55 to incentivize positive post-school outcomes for students with disabilities. The 2016-17 school year was the first year for which aid was paid under this grant program and will be available through the 2024-2025 school year. The chart below outlines the history of funding for the grant program.
State Fiscal Year |
Monies Appropriated | Survey Year (IDEA Indicator 14) |
Student Exit School Year |
FY17 | $100,000 | 2016 (July – September) | 2014-2015 |
FY18 | $2,700,000 | 2017 (July – September) | 2015-2016 |
FY19 | $3,600,000 | 2018 (July - September) | 2016-2017 |
FY20 | $3,600,000 | 2019 (July - September) | 2017-2018 |
FY21 | $3,600,000 | 2020 (July - September) | 2018-2019 |
FY22 | $3,600,000 | 2021 (July - September) | 2019-2020 |
FY23 | $3,600,000 | 2022 (July-September) | 2020-2021 |
FY24 | $3,600,000 | 2023 (July-September) | 2021-2022 |
FY25 | $3,600,000 | 2024 (July-September) | 2022-2023 |
Special Education Transition Incentive Grant Information
The Special Education Transition Incentive Grant is a categorical aid program created under 2015 Act 55 to incentivize positive post school outcomes for students with disabilities. The 2016-17 school year was the first year for which aid was paid under this grant program and will be available to districts through the 2024-2025 school year.
The state law specifies that each district is eligible to earn up to $1,000 for each student whose response to the Indicator 14 survey indicates that they met the specified postsecondary education/paid work outcome criteria. However, the law says that if the state funds are insufficient to cover the full cost of all eligible survey responses, payments to recipients will be prorated. In 2022, there were 3,768 eligible responses and payments were funded at $955.41 per eligible response. $3,599,984.88 of the available $3,600,000 was allocated to qualifying districts.
According to the WUFAR, this state aid payment is to be coded as 697 (revenue source code) and there are no restrictions on the use of these funds. Click this link to read additional information on the 11/30/2018 DPI Memo on the Special Education Transition Incentive Aid Impact on IDEA’s Maintenance of Effort (MOE).
Indicator 14 Survey Eligibility
- The eligible outcomes data are Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Indicator 14 benchmarks gathered one year after a student exits school.
- Eligible student outcomes include: enrolled in higher education or another postsecondary education or training program, or competitively employed within one year of leaving high school.
Incentive Grants Application Procedures
Each district that participates in the Indicator 14 survey will receive an email on directions for completing the application for the Special Education Transition Incentive Grant. Someone from the district (typically the director of pupil or student services) will be directed to go to the Indicator 14 website and answer a one-question survey asking the district to accept or decline the Special Education Transition Incentive Grant funds.
- Applications are completed each January through the Indicator 14 website.
Grant payments are sent to districts no later than June 30th of each fiscal year.
Training and Technical Assistance
Although districts are only required to participate in the Wisconsin Indicator 14 Post School Outcomes survey once within a five-year cycle under the DPI’s Collection of Cyclical Indicators, they are invited to participate annually. Districts are encouraged to review outcomes of local exiters annually for use in district transition improvement planning and to generate Incentive Grant funds. The Indicator 14 website provides survey information, data and tools.
Indicator 14 Post School Outcomes survey preparation, timelines, and directions.
Survey Instruments: interview questions, draft letter to former students, and a DPI letter introducing the survey.
Tools to help districts use and understanding their district Indicator 14 data.
Variety of Statewide Outcomes Reports.