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Indicator #8 Family Engagement Survey

The Indicator 8 Family Engagement Survey is one of Wisconsin’s State Performance Plan (SPP) improvement indicators.  Indicator 8 identifies the percent of parents with a child receiving special education services who report that schools facilitated parent involvement as a means of improving services and results for children with disabilities

In Wisconsin, Indicator 8 is a cyclical indicator measured by a family engagement survey that local education agencies (e.g. school districts) must send once every five years to every parent in their district whose child is receiving special education services ages 3 through 17.  For current information regarding this indicator please review the Annual Performance Report or go to the district profiles page.

For districts in the current cycle for data collection, parents receive a letter or email from their child’s school district inviting them to participate in the survey. The letter includes a password allowing access to the survey.

Parents Take the Family Engagement Survey

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Preparing for the Survey

What districts can do to prepare for the survey and implement evidence-based family engagement strategies.

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Implementing the Survey

Guidance for districts in the current data collection cycle on how to collect the Indicator 8 survey data.

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Parents and Families

Important information about the Indicator 8 survey.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Common questions about this data collection process.


If you have any questions about the survey, you may contact DPI Special Education Team, (608) 266-1781.