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What is WISEadmin?
WISEadmin is an abbreviated way of referring to the WISEadmin Portal. WISEadmin Portal is a WISE application, geared towards district administrative staff (i.e., superintendents, directors, principals) as the users.
This data portal is a convenient hub for completing WISE required administrative tasks, such as:
- Acknowledging the Data Sharing Agreement
- Reviewing cyber incident reports from DPI
- Keeping track of agency contacts
- Keeping track of snapshot acknowledgments
- Submitting data errata letters to inform DPI about corrections to data after a snapshot
As can be seen on the Home screen, WISEadmin Portal has a very intuitive user interface. The Home screen (default login view) displays all of the available functions.
A menu bar across the top of the screen (purple bar with gray text)
- Data Reporting and Snapshot
- Cyber Incidents
Six tiles, each indicating a main function of WISEadmin Portal
Clicking the DPI logo in the upper left corner will return users to WISEhome
User login/logout located in the upper right corner
A submenu bar below (gray bar with purple text). Only the Data Reporting and Snapshot menu has a submenu.
- Home
- Acknowledgment
- Agency Contact
- Data Errata
- District Library Plan
- Local Assessment Data Sharing Agreement
- Snapshot Calendar
While clicking across any of the functions in WISEadmin, the menu bar remains present, allowing for easy navigation.
This User Guide will provide screenshots and describe the functions of each WISEadmin menu and submenu function.
WISEadmin Portal - Login
Access the WISEadmin portal by logging in via WISEhome, and selecting WISEadmin Portal from the WISEsecure list of applications.
Reach the Acknowledgment screen by clicking the submenu icon or clicking the tile on the home screen. It displays a number of data quality acknowledgments for administrators to confirm:
Data Snapshot Acknowledgment Agreement, to which the administrator must agree.
Data Snapshot Acknowledgment is a listing of the administrator’s data team members who agree to fulfill snapshot data quality efforts. These are listed by data collection topics specific to both the winter and spring snapshots.
The District Administrator must enter their contact information, check the acknowledgment box and click Submit.
When you have completed the acknowledgment, the Administrator Acknowledgment tile on the home page will show a green check mark.
There are also Value Added Services section on the Acknowledgment screen. This is an optional feature, but is highly encouraged for LEAs to opt in to.
Data Use for Research, Immunization Data Sharing, and Digital Equity and Student Address - Data Sharing: -
Agency Contacts Screen
Locate the Agency Contacts screen by clicking the submenu icon or clicking the tile on the home screen.
The Agency Contacts screen on WISEadmin Portal is read-only. The contacts displayed here are separated into four sections:
WISEdata Contacts
WISEid Contacts
WISEstaff Contacts
All Agency Contacts
WISEdata/WISEadmin: Updating Primary and Secondary Agency Contacts
These contacts are entered into WISEdata Portal, and the information is pushed over to WISEadmin Portal.
For information on how to update Agency Contacts in WISEdata Portal, visit the Updating Agency Contacts in WISEdata Portal Mini Tutorial.
WISEid: Updating Primary and Secondary Agency Contacts
These contacts are entered into WISEid, and the information is pushed over to WISEadmin Portal.
For information on how to update Agency Contacts in WISEid, visit the WISEid User Guide: Update Contact Information section.
WISEstaff: Updating Primary and Secondary Agency Contacts
These contacts are entered into WISEstaff, and the information is pushed over to WISEadmin Portal.
For information on how to update Agency Contacts in WISEstaff, visit the WISEstaff Resources Menu User Guide, Update Contact Info section.
All Agency Contacts in WISEadmin Portal:
This provides a listing of all agencies in our state submitting data to WISEdata.
Local Assessment Data Sharing Agreement Screen
Reach the Local Assessment Data Sharing Agreement screen by clicking the sub-menu icon or clicking the tile on the home screen. It displays instructions for following the local assessment single data sharing agreement and a choice for agencies to either opt in or opt out by clicking a radio button. Agencies that opt in must also check a box to serve as a signature and an agreement to the terms of the data use agreement.
Users must also click Save on this screen to finalize their selections.
For information about the data sharing agreement, please visit the Local Assessment Data Sharing page.
Data Errata Screen
Locate the Data Errata screen by clicking the sub-menu icon or clicking the tile on the home screen. When you click Data Errata, the Data Errata submission screen appears.
Staff or Student Data Errata Options
There are two options for Person Type: Staff or Student. Use "Staff" to submit data errata letters for the WISEstaff annual Final Agency Certification. There are no categories or sub-categories for WISEstaff data errata letters.
NOTE: If you are a CESA, and need to submit a data errata letter, please send your letter as a PDF file to this email address:
Student Data Errata Letters
Select "Student" to submit data errata letters for snapshot data.
Once you have your data errata letter in PDF form prepared, fill out the WISEadmin Data Errata form to submit it. Data errata letters must never include personally identifiable information.
Required fields are marked with a red asterisk.
The 'Data Category' is a required field. Options are: Attendance, Coursework/Roster, Discipline, Dropouts, Enrollment, Graduation and October 1 Child Count.
Some categories (i.e., Coursework/Roster, Enrollment and Graduation) also have subcategories. You may select multiple subcategories as they apply to your data errata letter.
The Sub Category, "Choice Program Participant," can and should be applied to any/all data errata letters submitted by a school participating in the Wisconsin School Choice Program.
Name, title, and email address are also required. When you’re done, click Submit for DPI Approval.
Once you’ve submitted data errata, you’ll see a list of data errata letters that are pending approval by DPI. From this list, you can review any submitted errata, or click New Data Errata to start a new submission.
Revising Submitted Data Errata
To amend or revise a submitted data errata before it’s approved, cancel the submission from the list of submitted Data Errata by clicking Remove. Then revise the PDF and resubmit it.
DPI will review your data errata once you’ve submitted it. If the data errata letter is approved, the person who submitted the data errata will receive an email, and the status in the Data Errata Status column will display Approved.
If DPI finds an error in the data errata, such as including personally identifiable information, the data errata will be returned. The submitter receives an email and the Data Errata Status updates to Return.
In this case, click Open to open the Data Errata form. Then, remove the PDF file, correct any errors, re-upload the file, and resubmit the data errata form to DPI.
District Library Plan Screen
The district library plan has been a part of Wisconsin state statute since 1974, but the collection is housed in WISEadmin Portal as of the 2023-24 school year. The district library plan is referenced in Wisconsin Administrative Code PI8.01(2)(h). Find more information on the DPI Future Ready Library Planning webpage.
A district should have only one active, approved plan. When a new plan is submitted and approved, the previously approved plan will be set as inactive.
Data from the district library plan is collected in the annual December snapshot, starting with the December 10, 2024, snapshot. For detailed information about Wisconsin's annual data snapshots, please visit the Snapshot Preparation Guidance page.
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WISEsecure Roles
The user role "District Admin" for WISEadmin Portal is required to submit the District Library Plan. This is also the only role that can edit a District Library Plan.
Users with the "Agency" role for WISEadmin Portal can see the plan, but there will be no 'save' button.
Return to district library plan menu
How to Access Your District Library Plan within WISEadmin Portal
You can access information about your current district library plan by either clicking the "District Library Plan" tile on the WISEadmin Portal landing screen or by clicking “District Library Plan” from the purple menu bar across the top of the screen.
Return to district library plan menu
Tile Notifications
You will see a message within the district library plan tile on the Home screen of WISEadmin Portal. This message is at the bottom, center of the District Library Plan tile. It will communicate the current status of your district library plan and will inform you if you need to take action. Library media specialists and the 'District Admin' will both receive emails pertaining to notifications.
- Library Plan is Required: This warning means your LEA has no active plans and no 'submitted' plans. This notification can refer to the following scenarios:
- A previous plan was approved, but this plan is now expired.
- A plan was saved but not submitted. Only plans that are submitted trigger a notification to the DPI.
- A plan was submitted but has been returned.
- Required Action: Submit a district library plan for DPI to approve.
- Library Plan Added: This is the default message indicating tthe district has submitted a library plan. This notification can refer to the following scenarios:
- Your LEA has an approved, active, district library plan.
- Required Action: None. Current, approved plans will get re-verified, not resubmitted, for the span of the district library plan.
- Your LEA has submitted a library plan, but it is not yet active.
- Required Action: You need to confirm status of the library plan. You may need to make changes and resubmit your plan.
- Library Plan is Expiring soon: This warning means your LEA has an active plan that is set to expire soon. District library plans expire on Dec 31 of the last year of an active plan.
- Required Action: Submit a new district library plan for DPI to approve.
- Library Plan is Expired: This warning means your LEA had an "Approved" plan, but the implementation to/from date has passed without a new active plan.
- Required Action: Submit a district library plan for DPI to approve.
Return to district library plan menu
The District Library Plan Screen
The district library plan screen in the WISEadmin Portal now provides expanded instructions and the statute requiring a long-range library plan.
- Include Required Information: There are four required data elements, along with the one optional data element. These data elements will be captured/verified every year as part of the annual December snapshot. The district library plan data elements are:
- Date of Board Approval
- District Library Plan Link
- Link to Board Meeting: optional, but highly encouraged. District Library Plans will not be approved until the DPI can verify this action item in the board minutes.
- NOTE: If any of the above data elements are inadequately provided, a submitted library plan can be returned. A returned library plan indicates that a submitted plan has issues preventing it from being approved. Address the DPI provided feedback, then save and resubmit your district library plan. Visit the Returned Library Plans section (below) for more details.
- Plan Duration: District library plans can be created for a span of one to five years. The recommended length is three years. Multi-year plans will get re-verified, not resubmitted, for the span of the District Library Plan.
- Year-Round Submission: District library plans can be submitted at any time throughout the school year. Once submitted, DPI must review the plan before the plan becomes a valid plan. District library plans are usually either approved or returned within a period of 8-10 business days, provided all information needed is available. Submitted plans are associated with an “Active” status of either Yes or No. The "Active” status indicates whether a district library plan is currently considered the primary, valid plan for an LEA.
- DPI Review Process: Once the library plan is submitted, DPI staff will review it thoroughly. If the plan meets all requirements, it will be approved. If not, it will be returned with specific feedback for the district to address before resubmitting. Again, district library plans are usually either approved or returned within a period of 8-10 business days, provided all information needed is available.
Return to district library plan menu
District Library Plan Table
View the current status of a submitted district library plan in the table at the bottom of the screen.
Submitted plans = Active status of N (No). Returned plans = Active status of N (No). Once the plan is approved by DPI = Active status of Y (Yes).
Once a plan is submmitted, DPI is notified of your plan. DPI staff will then review your plan and provide feedback. This feedback will come to the LEA via email, and will also appear in the WISEadmin Portal.
This table displays a history of all previous library plans.
Return to district library plan menu
To View an Existing District Library Plan: View Screen
When the Action column at the far right of the table reads, “view”, clicking this will bring you to the view screen for the district library plan. You will be able to view, but not change, an existing District Library Plan. You can also read any DPI Feedback.
The view screen does not allow you to make edits.
This is because either:
- The plan has been approved as the current valid plan when the Active indicator is Y (Yes), and no edits are required.
- The plan has been submitted, but DPI has not responded to this yet. You will have to wait for a response from DPI before making edits or having the plan become a valid, primary library plan.
Returned Library Plans
When a plan is reviewed, and it does not meet requirements, it will be marked “Returned” to the LEA for review, repair and resubmit.
It is likely there will be feedback indicating what needs to be corrected on a plan that was returned. This feedback is date/time stamped to assist LEAs with the timeline involved in the review process. Keep the annual December snapshot date in mind, with a goal of having an active, approved library plan ready and in place for the December snapshot.
Return to district library plan menu
To Revise an Existing District Library Plan: Edit Screen
When the Action column at the far right of the table reads, “edit”, clicking this will bring you to the detailed screen for the district library plan. You will be able to edit an existing district library plan because it has not yet been approved. Please read any DPI Feedback to that you know why your plan was returned/not yet approved.
The edit screen allows you to make edits. The edit screen means that a plan has been submitted and that DPI has responded to the plan, but not by approving it. Returned plans must be revised according to the feedback provided and resubmited for approval. Only districts with approved plans will count as meeting this requirement.
When you are on this screen, you should:
- Make the required edits on this screen so that your plan can be approved.
- Look in the “DPI Feedback” section of the screen for any information provided by the DPI staff member who reviewed your plan. When a plan is reviewed that does not meet requirements, it will be marked “Returned” to the LEA for review. It is likely there will be feedback here indicating what needs to be corrected on a plan that was returned. This feedback is date/time stamped to assist LEAs with the timeline involved in the review process.
Common Reasons Why Library Plans Are Not Approved:
- Implementation years: If the dates in your library plan and/or the board minutes are not aligned with stated implementation from/to dates, the submission will be returned to the district.
- School Board approval. DPI confirms, through reviewing board minutes, that the library plan was approved by the school board. Board minutes reflecting this process will be requested if they are not publicly available online.
Once you have addressed all feedback comments, click the “Save” button to save the changes you have made. A banner will appear across the top of the screen indicating that your "District library plan was successfully saved!" NOTE: Clicking Save does not submit the Library Plan to DPI.
Click the “Submit” button to submit your updated Library Plan back to DPI for review. A banner will appear across the top of the screen indicating that your "District library plan was successfully submitted!"
Library plans may be submitted and returned multiple times until all requirements are satisfied.
Return to district library plan menu
To Submit a New District Library Plan
To submit a new plan, click the “New District Library Plan” button in the upper left corner of the table.
This will bring you to the edit screen for the district library plan.
Your screen will indicate the plan is ‘new’ aside the “District Library Plan Status” indicator.
When you are on this screen, you should:
- Enter all required data elements (Listed above) on this screen so that your plan can be submitted.
- Click the “Save” button to save the changes you have made.
- NOTE: Clicking Save does not submit the Library Plan to DPI.
- Click the “Submit” button to submit your updated Library Plan back to DPI for review.
Remember, just because you submitted a district library plan does not mean it will automatically be approved. Continue checking the status of your library plan by regularly logging in to WISEadmin portal until you have achieved the notification of "Library Plan Added."
Clicking the “Cancel” button will return you to the District Library Plan landing screen. You can also achieve this by clicking the back button on your browser or the District Library Plan link from the menu bar in WISEadmin Portal.
Snapshot Calendar Screen
Clicking the Snapshot Calendar icon from the submenu will open a new browser tab without closing your WISEadmin Portal tab. This new tab will display the WISE Events Calendar. You can type ‘snapshot’ in the search bar to find information on current snapshot calendar events.
Cyber Incidents Screen
Persons with the Tech Coordinator role can use WISEadmin Portal's Cyber Incidents page to review detailed cyber security alerts sent by DPI. The Tech Coordinator role is different than the District Admin role. If you have the Tech Coordinator role, and still cannot view &/or acknowledge the Cyber Incidents, submit a Help Ticket.
When a cyber security event occurs, technical leads receive an email like the one below that instructs them to log into WISEadmin Portal to review the details of the alert
To review the alert after receiving a cyber security alert email:
Log into WISEhome and select WISEadmin Portal.
NOTE: If you do not have access to WISEadmin Portal, submit a request through WISEhome for your security administrator to assign you the technical coordinator role. For complete instructions, refer to the Request Access to a WISE Application topic.
In WISEadmin Portal, select Cyber Incidents at the top of the screen to go to the Cyber Incidents page.On the Cyber Incidents page, select Open next to the alert you want to view. Review the detailed report, then click Acknowledge to confirm that you have reviewed and acknowledged the alert.
WISEdash Key Performance Indicators
For more information, visit the Key Performance Indicators page.
eLearning: Introduction to WISEadmin Portal
Data Errata - Data Changes After Publication
Local Data Assessment Sharing Agreement
New District Administrator page
WISEdata for Administrators WISE Guide
WISEdash for Administrators WISE Guide
WISEdash Navigation Tips WISE Guide
The Customer Services Team is here to help!
Please submit a WISE Help Ticket so we may better assist you.