Message Center - Menu in WISEstaff Portal
Click the links below to navigate to different sections of this page:
Message Center: Overview Agency Notifications Change Requests
Duplicate Merge Requests Alerts
Message Center: Overview
General introductory information is provided here.
Agency Notifications
This is the WISEstaff user "opt in" page where you can choose to receive an email alerting you of new system notifications and the frequency for receiving those emails. Most, if not all, notifications require user attention. Examples include: Existence of errors in recent assignment or contract uploads, changes requested to staff demographic data requiring your approval, or new system validation warnings for previously loaded staff contract or assignment data. For greater detail about these notifications, please read the Alerts section, below.
Change Requests
This page provides a view and status of changes requested to personal demographic data; requests made by your district and by other districts who previously employed staff now assigned to your district are displayed. The number of new change requests for your district will appear in a red circle next to the message icon in the sub-menu. Within the change request screen, all requests where action is needed by your district will have a red flag in the first column (Action Needed) of the grid. Also included is the ability to add comments to change requests which can help to clarify the reason for the change. Comments are very helpful for other districts and for DPI when reviewing and determining whether to approve the change.
To view a full tutorial on the filters and functions within the Change Requests tab, please visit the WISEid: User Guide and Tutorial.
A change request occurs for a number of reasons for the purpose of updating previously entered demographic information that now needs to be changed. Every student and staff member is assigned a WISEid when they enter the school system. For this reason, change requests can be found on either WISEid or WISEstaff in the Message Center menu.The three most popular types of change requests for staff members involve changing a last name, a date of birth, and to correct errors on Entity IDs.
Name Change - Change Request
Name changes can be managed by staff themselves by visiting the ELO Name or Address Change website.
Birthdate Change - Change Request
Date of Birth change requests come to DPI from the staff members working agency. The process would begin with the WISEstaff administrator performing a Person File Upload on WISEid through your SIS. This edit will trigger a Change Request. It will take a few business days for the Change request to process. To find the Change Request, go to the Message Center menu, and click the Change Request tab. You can use the available filters to find the right one. Birth date change requests require comments indicating that you have viewed legal documentation - a birth certificate, Wisconsin immunization record (print or screenshot), passport, immigration form, etc. - to verify that this change of birth date is valid for this staff member. This documentation does not need to be seen by DPI, but the agency requesting the change must indicate that legal proof has been viewed by the hiring agency to validate the change. If a birth date change request is submitted without the proper comment, DPI will automatically deny the change request with the following comment:
“Please appeal with how the correct birth date has been verified and what means of legal identification was used (i.e. birth certificate, WIR records, I-9, driver's license).”
If your change request is denied, that means DPI has closed the change request in their queue. The next step for the school/district requesting the change must:
1. Login to WISEid, and get to the Change Request tab in the Message Center menu.
2. On the Message Center Change Request screen, find the Change Request you want to check on using the filters (i.e., Status, Denied, or Change Type, Birth date).
3. Click View to see the expanded view, including the Comments. Here you will read DPI’s denial comment.
4. Write your comment in the comment box - indicating that you have viewed legal documentation to support the change request - and click the blue ‘Post Comment’ button.
a. Provide a comment that states required documentation was viewed.
b. Name the specific form of legal documentation in the comment.
c. NOTE: Adding a comment and clicking the “Post Comment” button does not change the status of the Change request.
5. Click on the Requested Changes tab.
6. Click the blue button that says, “Appeal to DPI”. Without clicking this button will not send the appeal to DPI and DPI will not be able to help you with this change request.
a. NOTE: If this last step is not completed, your comments will never make it to DPI because when DPI denied the change request, it closed the change request in DPI’s queue.
Entity ID Change - Change Request
Entity ID change requests are also completed by DPI. Requesting agencies do not need to write a comment, but DPI may find your comments to be helpful if there is any uncertainty to the request. If you have a warning associated to a staff member based on an Entity ID, you should check on the status of this staff member's licensure. If the staff member has applied for the license, but the license is processing/has not been awarded yet, please provide DPI with this information in the comments, then Acknowledge the warning. DPI will deny change requests when significant information about the staff member does not match. Slight mismatches in first name, for example, Mike to Michael, will be approved, providing that all other identifiers show up as a match.
Remember that when DPI denies a change request, that denial closes the request on DPI’s side, and pushes it back to the school/district. Using the tabs in the comment box, select the ‘Request Changes' tab. The “Appeal to DPI,” button MUST BE CLICKED to reopen the ticket and put it back into the DPI queue for further action.
Duplicate Merge Requests
This page shows a list of Duplicates which have been resolved.
System-generated alerts are a method of notifying a district that there are updates to their WISEid or WISEstaff data which require their attention. Alerts come in two parts: first is a message generated within WISEid / WISEstaff which can be viewed by anyone within the district; second is an email sent to notify district staff that there are alerts awaiting review. Based on the importance of the data affected, some emails are designed to automatically notify the district via email, while others are optional, allowing the district to opt in to receive emails.
Alerts are generated nightly, based on data changes or new data entry deadlines from the previous day.
Types of Alerts
There is a separate alert generated for each type of data affected.
WISEid Data
- New Change Request Comments - Student Data
- Change Request Action Needed - Student Data
- File Upload has Errors - Student Data
- New Potential Matches - Student Data
WISEstaff Data
- Entity IDs are Missing
- New Validation Errors / Warnings - Staff Data
- Checklist Progress Alert
- Agency Certification Needed
- New Change Request Comments - Staff Data
- Change Request Action Needed - Staff Data
- New Potential Matches - Staff Data
- File Upload has Errors - Staff Data
Viewing Alerts
To viw your alerts, follow the steps below:
- A “New” icon will appear in the header section of the application near the Message Center option when you have unread alerts. Click the Message Center link and select Alerts to view a list of messages.
- The alerts page will show a list of messages generated for your district. You’ll see the subject of the alert and the date it occurred. New, unread alerts will have a “New!” label in red text next to the most recent occurrence date.
- The Title of each alert will indicate the type of data affected.
- The Important Information column contains more information about what the alert indicates and why it is important to address.
- To view the affected data, click the alert title. The system will open the page where you can view data which needs updating.
Email Notifications
For users who do not work in the WISEid or WISEstaff application on a daily basis but may still have data changes which require their attention, they can be alerted by email that new alerts exist.
Alerts pertaining to data that has a specific deadline, like agency certification prior to a WISEstaff snapshot, will automatically generate an email to the email addresses listed as primary and secondary contacts within the WISEstaff or WISEid application.
For all other alert types, you can opt in to receive an email notification when your district has new alerts.
Opt in to Email Notifications
- From the WISEid or WISEstaff tab, click the Agency Notifications link in the Message Center menu.
- Click the Add Email button at the top of the page. An Email text field will display where you can enter the email address of the intended recipient (yourself or another district staff member). Click Update to save the email address or Cancel to disregard the email.
- After an email record is added, you’ll see a list of alert types that you can opt in for that email address to receive email notifications.
- First, click the Edit button on the far right for the alert type you want to receive.
- Next, click the checkbox in the Opt In column, then select the day/s of the week on which you want to receive email notifications. You may select more than one day or all days of the week.
- Click the Update button to save your changes.
- You may opt in to email notifications for any or all of the alert types listed.
- If you have opted in an email address and you no longer want to receive email notifications for any alert types, click the Delete Email button to remove that email address from the email notification system.
Notifications by Email Alert Types
These alert types will automatically generate an email alert to the email addresses listed as primary and secondary contacts within the WISEid or WISEstaff application:
- Entity IDs are Missing
- WISEstaff Agency Certification Needed
- WISEstaff Checklist Progress Alert
These alert types have optional email notifications available to sign up for on the Agency Notifications page in WISEid or WISEstaff:
- File Upload has Errors - Staff Data
- File Upload has Errors - Student Data
- New Change Request Comments - Staff Data
- New Change Request Comments - Student Data
- Change Request Action Needed - Staff Data
- Change Request Action Needed - Student Data
- New Potential Matches - Staff Data
- New Potential Matches - Student Data
- New Validation Errors/Warnings - Staff Data