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WISEstaff Data Collection: 2024-2025 Reporting Information


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WISEstaff Data Collection and Reporting


This page provides districts with information and changes regarding the annual staff audit, both the preliminary audit and the final certification. Members who will be interested in this site include district IT staff, software vendors, business manager/department, human resource director/department, staff responsible for completing the data collection, and district administrators.

For a brief overview of WISEstaff aimed at District Administrators,refer to the WISEstaff landing page, "What Is WISEstaff?" section. For more detailed information about the WISEstaff application, visit the WISEstaff: Info, Help and User Guide landing page, which links to each of the WISEstaff applications menus.

For WISEstaff training, including the weekly User Group call, view the WISE Events Calendar. You can join our weekly User Group calls and ask questions to DPI staff who will respond directly to your needs. 

WISEstaff Application Available Statewide



Authorized users may access the WISEstaff application through WISEhome.

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2024-25 Staff Data Collection Timeline

Date Description

WISEstaff rolls over to the 2024-2025 school year: WISEstaff Contact updates and WISEid updates are enabled.


(Third Friday in September) Staff count is taken and all staff must be fully licensed.


The WISEstaff application is scheduled to open for agency use.


Weekly WISEstaff user group calls with agencies begin.


Preliminary Agency Certification window opens.


Preliminary reporting deadline.

All agencies should have submitted staff and assignment data for those staff with assignments that require a license, passed validations, reviewed all staff reports in WISEstaff and indicated that they are certified for the “Preliminary Agency Certification”. The preliminary snapshot only requires info for assignments and staff that require a license. Non-licensed staff and Contract data will only be required to be entered by the final certification.

11/2024 through 01/2025

LEAD begins preliminary auditing based on the preliminary snapshot data. Preliminary audit result reports will be published in WISEstaff during this time frame as audits are completed. WISEstaff remains open during this time for edits and once audits are complete, if needed, agencies can make corrections based upon preliminary results.

03/04/2025 Final Agency Certification window opens.
03/18/2025 Final reporting deadline. All agencies must have completed all updates in WISEstaff, all staff data entered for both licensed and unlicensed assignments, passed validations, reviewed all staff reports and indicated that they are certified for the “Final Agency Certification.”
Early 05/2025

Public WISEstaff Reports for 2024-25 are available


LEAD* starts the licensing audit based on the WISEstaff data snapshot taken after the March final certification window closes.

* LEAD is DPI's Licensing, Educator Advancement and Development team. Formerly, this team was called Teacher Education, Professional Development and Licensing (TEPDL)Return to top

Reporting Guidance and Training


Who Should Be Reported?

WISEstaff data collection is a point in time collection of all staff members as of the Third Friday of September and includes assignments for the entire regular school year as known on the Third Friday of September.

CESA and Marathon CCDEB

Revised! WISEstaff CESA & Marathon CCDEB Guidance Document

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Staff & Licensing Information


Training & Presentations

Teams, WISE Community: Please Join Us!

Visit the WISEdata Help page for more information

User Group Agenda:

WISEstaff User Group 2024-25 Agenda (Word Doc)

  • Visit the WISE Events Calendar to look for Weekly WISEstaff User Group calls - October 2023 through end of the school year.

Recorded Trainings:

WISEstaff New User Training 2024 - Video: Staff Collection Checklist - Steps 1 & 2 - Recorded Presentation with Demonstration

WISEstaff New User Training 2024 - Video: Staff Collection Checklist Steps 3 & 4 - Recorded Presentation with Demonstration


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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. We recommend use of an individual person's name as listed on the most current social security card to reduce the name discrepancy warnings between agencies.

  2. Fringe Benefit Guidance: 

    Important clarification regarding benefits** WISEstaff FRINGE BENEFIT GUIDANCE. There are two items being clarified for the collection of fringe benefit data:

    • The coding for cash in lieu of benefits was clarified with the U.S. Census Bureau, to which DPI reports financial data, in fiscal year 2013. Cash in lieu of benefits should be coded as a benefit under object 290 (detailed account 296).

    • Fund 73 OPEB contributions that are not run through payroll, but rather allocated as a journal entry, should also be included as a 210 benefit. If a district is using a payroll report to determine the benefits and does a journal entry at the end of the year for the OPEB contribution, it is likely that the OPEB contributions are not being properly reflected on the PI-1202 as they should be.

  3. Updated Contract Fringe Benefits Definition: 

    Include the total of all items under Object Code 200 Employee Benefits in the WUFAR Handbook. They are 210 Retirement, 220 Social Security, 230 Life Insurance, 240 Health Insurance, 250 Other Employee Insurance, and 290 Other Employment Benefits, including cash payments in lieu of benefits.

  4. Teachers with assignments for grades 7 and 8 cannot be reported as 53-0050, Teacher-Elementary All Subjects. You must report the specific subject(s) taught.
    • Example: 53-0400, grades 07-08 (mathematics) 50 percent FTE, 53-0300, grade 08 (English) 50 percent FTE.


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