Federal Law and State Law

IEP teams should be aware of federal and state requirements that address assistive technology as it relates to the development of IEPs and implementation of special education.
Information Update Bulletin 22.02: Assistive Technology

Click on the bulletin to learn about general obligations related to conducting assistive technology assessments as part of a comprehensive special education evaluation.
AT Learning Modules

Free national online training modules provide information related to assistive technology. When viewing modules, IEP teams should work collaboratively to consider the appropriate assistive technology supports based on each student's unique disability-related needs.
Funding and Developing Systems to Support AT

Investing and developing systems of control for educational technology, including assistive technology, support students in becoming expert learners and provides them with the tools needed so they are able to access, engage, and make progress in their education.
Assistive Technology Forward

Assistive Technology Forward is a new project as part of CARES Act ESSER funding. Assistive Technology Forward seeks to increase student and family autonomy in selecting and utilizing Assistive Technology tools to support students ability to access, engage, and make progress in virtual and distance learning.

The Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative (WATI) is a volunteer group focusing on supporting early intervention agencies, school districts, and their partners to provide resources on assistive technology.
AT Resources

Many free AT resources, strategies, and materials are available online to support individuals in their understanding and awareness of assistive technology.
AT Lending Libraries

Resources are available through lending libraries across the state where individuals can select AT resources for trials with students at no cost.