Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), LEAs are allowed to set aside a portion of their IDEA Part B formula allocation to support activities in its Title I schoolwide program under section 1114 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) (34 CFR §300.206).
Optional IDEA Title I schoolwide fund set-asides must be calculated and expended at the Title I schoolwide school level. The funding that may be set aside is based on the fiscal year. Any unspent funds earmarked for Title I schoolwide activities are returned to the LEA’s general IDEA formula pot at the end of the fiscal year.
Students with disabilities attending the Title I schoolwide school must continue to receive services in accordance with properly developed IEPs and must be afforded all of the rights and services guaranteed to children with disabilities under IDEA.
Title I Schoolwide Set-Aside Instructions - This document includes:
- What is meant by “Title I Schoolwide Activities Set-Aside"
- Which LEAs may use this optional set-aside
- Allowable costs for IDEA funds used to support Title I Schoolwide activities
- How the set-aside is calculated
- Budgeting for Title I Schoolwide activities in WISEgrants
- Accounting for Title I Schoolwide activity costs
- What time and effort records must be kept for staff funded with IDEA-Title I Schoolwide funds
- Applicable Supplement / Not Supplant Provisions
- IDEA Regulations Regarding Title I Schoolwide Set-Aside Funds
Title I Schoolwide Set-Aside Recording - This recorded webinar covers the calculation and how to budget the set-aside within WISEgrants. The link asks for a name and e-mail address and after entering, the presentation will begin. Click here for the companion slides.
To schedule a technical assistance meeting with Will Cannon or Rachel Zellmer, Special Education Team fiscal monitoring consultants, please use our Bookings page.