The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA 2004) permits, and sometimes requires, local educational agencies (LEAs) to use Part B funds under the "coordinated, early intervening services (CEIS)" set-aside.
Professional development for teachers and other school staff for the delivery of scientifically based academic instruction and behavioral interventions, including scientifically based literacy instruction and instruction in the use of adaptive and instructional software, and
Providing educational and behavioral evaluations, services and supports. 34 CFR 300.226(b)
The number of students served by coordinated early intervening services, and
The number of students served by coordinated early intervening services who subsequently receive special education and related services during the preceding two-year period. 34 CFR 300.226(d)
IDEA CEIS funds may be used to supplement, but not supplant, activities funded with and carried out under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). 34 CFR 300.226(e)
IDEA Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CEIS) Technical Assistance Resources provided by WI DPI
Overview of the Coordinated Early Intervening Services Set-Aside - This document includes:
- What is meant by “Coordinated Early Intervening Services"
- How CEIS set-aside amounts are determined
- Funding an RtI system with CEIS set-aside funds
- CEIS seta-side allowable costs
- CEIS mandatory reporting requirements
- CEIS set-aside application process, including the CEIS narrative
- Accounting for CEIS expenditures
- IDEA regulations regarding the use of CEIS and Title I Schoolwide set-aside funds
- RtI and Students with Disabilities
Overview of the Coordinated Early Intervening Services Webinar
- Coordinated Early Intervening Services PowerPoint slides
IDEA Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CEIS) Technical Assistance Resources provided by US Department of Education and CIFR
Federal Guidance
- OSEP Memo 08-09 (2008) - Clarifies the use of IDEA funds and other federal funds
- Implementing RTI Using Title I, Title III, and CEIS Funds (US Joint Department of Education Guidance)
- Letter to Goodman (2016) - CEIS & Proportionate Share Calculations
- Letter to Dale (2012) - Possible uses for CEIS set-aside funds includinga tiered support system such as RtI and funding teachers
- Letter to Andrejack (2010) - LEAs required to set-aside CEIS funds may only use the funds for allowable CEIS program costs, funds not expended for those purposes would revert back to the U.S. Department of Education.
Center for IDEA Fiscal Reporting Guidance
- Coordinated Early Intervening Services Resources Step-by-Step
- Quick Reference Guide on Coordinated Early Intervening Services
- Navigating Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CEIS) White Paper
Questions regarding IDEA Flow-through and Preschool formula grants and fiscal compliance should be directed to the DPI special education fiscal inbox: This inbox is managed by Will Cannon.
To schedule a technical assistance meeting with Will Cannon or Rachel Zellmer, Special Education Team fiscal monitoring consultants, please use our Bookings page.