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Supports for Educating Students with IEPs

Supports for Educating Students with IEPs: Investing our Discretionary Dollars

In order to support the education of students with IEPs and help close gaps for each and every student, the Department of Public Instruction uses federal funding to develop a variety of projects, tools, and resources. These projects, tools, and resources are available at low or no cost for districts and are designed to meet the unique needs of the state’s youngest learners through their transition to adulthood. Watch the video below for more information about these available supports.

Your district can connect with CESA-based staff to find the supports that fit best. The Technical Assistance Network for Improvement (TA Network) is a great place to start as they offer general support around continuous improvement, evidence-based improvement strategies and equitable, multi-level system of supports.

This linked resource provides one-page overviews of the projects DPI supports , including a brief description, project and data highlights, and the number or scope of school districts served based on information from the 2023-24 school year. 

In addition to the TA Network, each grant project offers tools and resources educators and stakeholders can use to support students across all age bands. To find out more, access the Key Resources and Tools:

Key Resources and Tools

2024-25 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act: Grant Policies and Guidelines