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IDEA Part B Preschool Allocation Spreadsheets

***FY 2024-2025 Preliminary Preschool Allocations - (10/3/2024)*** This Google sheet includes all flow-through allocations dating back to FY 2011-2012. 

Program Description: Funds under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act are provided to Local Education Agencies (LEAs) on a formula basis for programs and services to students with disabilities (IEPs). Part B preschool provides funds for special education services to children ages 3-5. Funds may be used for staffing, educational materials, equipment, and other costs to provide special education and related services, as well as supplementary aids and services, to children with disabilities. Funds may only be used for special education.

Who is Eligible to Apply: School Districts (including Independent Charter Schools) and Department of Health Services.

Amount of Funds Available: Preschool formula funds are calculated according to the IDEA Amendments of 1997. Under the preschool grant funding formula, LEAs receive a "base amount" and any additional dollars are distributed on the basis of the district’s public and private elementary and secondary school enrollment (85%) and the relative number of children living in poverty (15%). Wisconsin is utilizing the number of Title I formula children in each district as the poverty indicator.

Application Process: The IDEA flow-through and preschool budget software can be accessed through the WISEGrants Web Portal. Step-by-step instructions can be viewed here

Application Due DateThe initial IDEA preschool formula application for each fiscal year should be submitted by August 31. The expenditure of funds is not permissible prior to July 1 of the fiscal year or the date the IDEA Part B assurances are signed by the LEA's authorizer, whichever is later.

Fiscal Year Closeout:  Final IDEA formula budget amendments are due August 15 after the close of the fiscal year (ie, 2024-2025 budgets must have final amendments submitted by August 15, 2025). Final claims must be submitted by September 30 after the close of the fiscal year (ie, 2024-2025 budget claims must be submitted by September 30, 2025).

For more information, contact Questions related to claims or payments should be directed to Glenn Aumann, School Financial Services, at