Frequently Asked Questions
Creating the sample
- Should the public agency include students who are attending the state schools?
- Should the public agency include students who have moved out of the district?
- Should the public agency include transfer students whose IEPs were adopted from a previous district?
- Should the public agency include students attending the district under full-time open enrollment law?
- Should the public agency include resident students attending another district under full-time open enrollment law?
Reviewing student records
Reporting results via the Special Education Portal
- The Special Education Portal asks me to use a password. Whom do I contact if I forgot my password?
- Can a Macintosh computer be used to enter data into the web application?
Correcting noncompliance
- Should the public agency include students who are attending the state schools?
For the discipline sample: No.
For the special education and specific disability categories samples: Only if the school district, rather than one of the state schools, completed the evaluation.
- Should the public agency include students who have moved out of the district?
Yes. Public agencies are required to review records of students who moved out of the district after year-end (for discipline) or after initial evaluation (for special education and specific disability categories). Public agencies are not required to correct student-specific noncompliance for students that are no longer enrolled in the district.
- Should the public agency include transfer students whose IEPs were adopted from a previous district?
For the discipline sample: Yes.
For the special education and specific disability categories samples: No.
- Should the public agency include students attending the district under full-time open enrollment law?
- Should the public agency include resident students attending another district under full-time open enrollment law?
No. The responsibility for a free, appropriate public education (FAPE) rests with the school district of attendance under open enrollment law.
Reviewing student records
Reporting results via the Special Education Portal
- The Special Education Portal asks me to use a password. Whom do I contact if I forgot my password?
You will use your Local Performance Plan (LPP) password, the same password used to complete the IDEA budget. If you do not remember your password, then please contact Yvette Johanson at 608-267-9243.
- Can a Macintosh computer be used to enter data into the web application?
The application has not been tested with a Macintosh computer. We do not recommend using a Macintosh to complete the report.
- If a student specific error was corrected by action taken after the Disproportionality-PCSA (i.e., an IEP team meeting to address behavior when noncompliance was identified for Dispro-DISC-1), then is a district required to take student-specific corrective action?