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Signage must be posted in a visible area near the meal service line that shows students how to select a reimbursable meal. School Food Authorities using Offer vs Serve (OVS) must include the required wording to select at least ½ cup of fruit, vegetable, or a combination. Signage is not required for field trips, Breakfast in the Classroom (BIC), or other venues where it may be problematic. However, other methods should be used to inform students of their choices for the meal.

The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction developed a series of reimbursable meal posters. The posters may be printed in a variety of sizes depending on your needs and printing capabilities. It is recommended that after printing, the posters are laminated or covered with a dry-erase film. This allows you to update the daily menu with dry-erase markers.

Breakfast Signage with Menu Items

breakfast and lunch signage

Breakfast SIgnage no OVS

Offer versus Serve


No Offer versus Serve

Order Signage and other F2S promotional materials!

Lunch Signage with Menu Items

image of lunch signage

Lunch Signage no OVS

Offer versus Serve


No Offer versus Serve

Order Signage and other F2S promotional materials!

Customizable Breakfast Signage using Menu Items

Build a Healthy Lunch Poster

Offer versus Serve


Salad Bar Signage



The food components on the sample signage above correspond with the food groups seen on MyPlate. Schools are encouraged to display the MyPlate logo throughout the kitchen and cafeteria.