
A competitive grant program has been established for opioid prevention programs for Wisconsin public, private and independent (2x and 2r) charter schools. This funding originates from the Opioid Settlement Funds awarded to the Department of Health Services (DHS). The purpose of this funding is to support new or existing substance use prevention programs that are supplemented with knowledge and skills specific to opioid prevention and unintentional fentanyl exposure.
Grant Application Materials
Opioid Prevention Grant applications will continue to be accepted until 4 PM on Friday, November 15, 2024. *Please note that applicants who submitted a grant by October 16 will move into external review. They are not eligible to apply for additional funds.
Exciting Update! Grantees who demonstrate progress towards meeting their approved goals for 2024-25 may be eligible for a performance period extension through June 30, 2026.
2024-25 Opioid Prevention Grant Overview
2024-25 Opioid Prevention Grant Application (PDF Copy)
Please note that the PDF provided is only a preview of the application questions. To complete and submit your application, please use the Qualtrics application link.
2024 25 Opioid Grant Writers Workshop Webinar Recordings
- Section I: Program Overview : 2024 25 Opioid Grant Writers Workshop Section 1
- Section II: Eligibility, Timelines, Funding, and Budget: 2024 25 Opioid Grant Writers Workshop Section 2
- Section III: Application Sections: Opioid Grant Writers Workshop Section 3
- Section IV: Evidenced-Based Practices and Example Programs: Opioid Grant Writers Workshop Section 4
Grant Resources and Forms
Additional Resources
Wisconsin Department of Health Services Dose of Reality: Opioids Data
National Center on Safe and Supporting Learning Environments Lessons from the Field:
For questions about this information, contact DPIAODA.Grant@dpi.wi.gov