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SSPW Mental Health E-Learning


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The SSPW Mental Health E-Learning page allows you to access modules, webinars, and other online professional development resources to help support the ongoing education of school staff on various topics such as: Comprehensive School Mental Health Systems, Trauma Sensitive Schools, Social and Emotional Learning (SEL), School Wellness & Safety, and more.

NEW Online Learning Opportunities and Resources

Mental Health and Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) NEW Resources Overview Webinar now available: In this webinar, learn about some new mental health and SEL resources. From the revised Mental Health Framework, to the Stigma Reduction Toolkit, Mental Health Literacy units, an SEL Roadmap, SEL Guiding Principles, DPI’s SEL Framework and Theory of Action, to various training and learning opportunities, DPI hopes to provide you with valuable tools to help you advance your wellness work with students, staff, families, and communities.

LGBTQ+ Youth in Crisis: Best Practices Webinar: LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and other/questioning) students, and Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) students, and especially those students who live at the intersection of those identities, experience significant disparities compared to their peers. The latest national and state data show a mental health crisis as a result of a lack of support for these students. This session will include basic LGBTQ+ concepts, data, and best practices.

new LGBTQ+ Youth in Crisis Best Practices Webinar Recording

Comprehensive School Mental Health Systems

Counseling Students Experiencing Anger and Aggression

Students who do not manage their anger, and are aggressive in school are at risk of exclusionary discipline and not graduating. An approach which helps these children and youth learn skills to get along better in school is a proactive approach to a common school problem. The first set of modules provide an overview of the evidence based practice of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Interventions.

Introductory and Overview Modules


Think First: An Evidence-Based Group Intervention for High School Students Experiencing Anger and Aggression


Anger Coping: An Evidence-Based Group Intervention for Upper Elementary and Middle School Students Experiencing Anger and Aggression

Emotional Regulation Plans

You are invited to view role plays featuring the emotional regulation planning process. Each age group is featured. Families are included in creating the plan, and can assist in reinforcing positive emotional regulation strategies at home, at school, and in the community. The plans evolve as the child/youth matures and grows.

RIH/DPI Emotional Regulation Planning - YouTube Playlist

  1. RIH/DPI Emotional Regulation Planning Intro

  2. RIH/DPI Emotional Regulation Planning - Early Childhood

  3. RIH/DPI Emotional Regulation Planning - Elementary

  4. RIH/DPI Emotional Regulation Planning - Middle & High School

Equitable Practices

Evidence-based training resources to help support school staff and school mental health providers recognize the needs of students from diverse cultural backgrounds and offer programs that reduce disparities in services.

Mental Health Literacy and Stigma Reduction

Youth Mental Health First Aid is one of Wisconsin DPI’s spotlighted trainings on mental health. Youth Mental Health First Aid is designed to teach parents, family members, caregivers, teachers, school staff, peers, neighbors, health and human services workers, and other caring citizens how to help an adolescent (age 12-18) who is experiencing a mental health or addictions challenge or is in crisis. Contact the Wisconsin Safe & Healthy Schools Training and Technical Assistance Center for more information about attending or scheduling a Youth Mental Health First Aid Training.

For additional opportunities to develop mental health literacy and reduce stigma, check out the following modules:

Mental Health Referral Pathways

School Mental Health Referral Pathways

View the School Mental Health Referral Pathways Module Series for more information, tools, and local examples. This module series can be utilized by schools that are at any point in the process of building and improving their mental health referral pathways.

Suicide Prevention

new School-based Suicide Prevention: Overview and Connections - Module 1 of 3 – for all school staff to accompany the Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training Module.

new Suicide Prevention Curriculum in Health Education: Overview - Module 1 of 3 – for health educators and pupil services professional collaborating on suicide prevention curriculum implementation.

Additional modules are being developed to provide comprehensive training and resources to our educators on suicide prevention.

Teacher Care Meetings

The Teacher Care Meeting protocol is a 20-minute brief intervention designed to provide the structure and communication style that will promote a positive meeting with parents/caregivers and a student. It is both strengths-based and collaborative, and designed to enhance student motivation for change.

Teacher Care Meetings Module

Wraparound and Community Services

In Wisconsin, most counties and tribes have a Coordinated Services Team. A team, consisting of school staff, community services providers, family members, and the student work closely together to develop an individualized care plan that includes intervention, culturally and linguistically relevant services, and progress monitoring in the community, home, and school setting.

CST Module

Trauma Sensitive Schools (TSS)

Schoolhouse icon image

DPI’s TSS Online Professional Development System is a free, online, on-demand system geared towards school and district teams looking to enhance their system by infusing the guiding principles of trauma sensitive schools into all policies, programs, and practices. The TSS guiding principles are safety, trustworthiness, choice, collaboration, empowerment, and cultural responsiveness. School teams can incorporate the work of TSS into work already being done by understanding TSS as a lens through which to enhance an equitable Multi-Level System of Support (MLSS).

The first modules in the series provide important information for all school staff in understanding the philosophy and principles of TSS, the prevalence and impact of trauma, and some considerations for shifting your mindset of how you view and respond to behaviors of others. Additional modules continue to examine specific policies and practices that can help guide work in schools once school staff have a basic understanding of trauma, its impacts, and the guiding principles. See the Introduction Video to the Trauma Sensitive Schools Professional Development System for more information.


TSS Online Professional Development

Social & Emotional Learning

mental health icon imageMaking social and emotional learning (SEL) skills part of the learning equation helps children succeed in school and life. With social and emotional skills, children can manage their feelings, build healthy relationships, and navigate social environments. When adults are supported by good policies and training, children develop the skills needed to prepare them for the world. See the DPI's Social and Emotional Learning webpage for more information.

Equity Through SEL

Advancing Equity Through Social and Emotional Learning

Equity in education requires a physically and emotionally safe and positive school climate for all students. Building strong social and emotional competencies, for both teachers and students, can play a key role in ensuring education equity.

Leveraging SEL to Promote Equity


Social and Emotional Learning Assessment

The DPI's focus in SEL assessment is not to identify students for placement in remediation groups or other intervention programs. Rather, SEL assessment is most useful when used to identify targeted instructional practices for all students, to progress monitor student- and class-wide SEL skill development, and to analyze and monitor the effectiveness of SEL program implementation.

SEL Webinar: Student SEL Competence Assessment - Clark McKown

Disclaimer: The following webinars are not an endorsement by DPI of these products. While DPI does not endorse any specific programs, it is recommended that you choose an EBP.

SEL Practices in Wisconsin Schools

Social and Emotional Learning Conference & Training Opportunities

During the 2019-2020 school year, DPI hosted monthly webinars on SEL topics of interest, below are several SEL Example of Practice webinar recordings.

Social and Emotional Learning Curriculum and Alignment Tools

Social and Emotional Learning Curriculum and Alignment Tools

Disclaimer: The following webinars are not an endorsement by DPI of these products. While DPI does not endorse any specific programs, it is recommended that you choose an EBP.