Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Center Grant Program
Title IV, Part B, of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
WI Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Center (CCLC) grantees must participate in a self-assessment process as a condition of their grant award. Regular self-assessment is considered a key element for a quality program, used to reflect upon areas of success and areas identified for improvement. By investing in continuous improvement efforts, grantees can identify the areas of their programs that need additional support, as well as, guide priorities and other evaluative measures.
DPI has identified three self-assessment tools that grantees can select from for use in meeting the requirement.
- Wisconsin Afterschool Continuous Improvement Process (WASCIP)
- The David P. Weikart Center for Youth Program Quality Intervention (YPQI)
- The New York State Network for Youth Success, Quality Self Assessment Tool (QSA)
Required Schedule for Self-Assessment Implementation
Grant Year | Self-Assessment Requirement | Due |
One | Identify self-assessment tool | With submission of 21st CCLC Yearly Progress Report |
Two | Conduct self-assessment and develop improvement plan | Summary reported with the 21st CCLC Yearly Progress Report |
Three | Implement improvement plan | Summary and results reported with the 21st CCLC Yearly Progress Report |
Four | Continue to implement improvement plan | Summarize plans for continuous improvement in the 21st CCLC Yearly Progress Report |
Five | Continue to revise and implement improvement plan | N/A |
Wisconsin Afterschool Continuous Improvement Process (WASCIP)
The WASCIP addresses 21 areas for assessment within the framework of four key areas of program operation:
- Administration
- Programming
- Supportive Environment for Youth Development
- Partnerships
The WASCIP is intended to assist programs in identifying areas for improvement and develop a plan to address them. The assessment tool also offers program staff an opportunity to recognize areas of the program that are exceptional. The WASCIP is one of the allowable tools 21st CCLC grantees may select in order to meet the self-assessment requirement associated with the grant award.
WASCIP Self-Assessment Rubric
Supplemental WASCIP Documents