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Student AODA Mini-Grant Program


Comprehensive school health programs require youth involvement to create environments conducive to healthy, resilient, and successful learners. As part of the Department of Public Instruction’s (DPI) efforts to encourage youth initiatives, we are offering the Student Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse (AODA) Mini-Grant Program for the 35th year, in the 2023-2024 school year. Funds will be available on a competitive basis for schools throughout the state to support education, prevention, and intervention programs designed by students, targeting AODA and other youth risk behaviors to include commercial tobacco use, violence, bullying, suicide, and alcohol traffic safety (ATS). A primary funding priority of the mini-grant program is the involvement of youth in the planning and implementation of the project. Therefore, youth involvement in the planning and implementation of the Student AODA Mini-Grant Program is required. Consideration will also be given based on the educational value of the project and statewide geographic distribution of funds. The amount of each individual mini-grant award may not exceed $1,000.

2024-25 Mini-Grant Calendar

October 2, 2024 at 4:00 p.m.

Mini-Grant applications due to DPI

June 1, 2025

End-Of-Year Report Due

June 30, 2025

Fiscal Report Due

Student Mini-Grant Forms and Resources

AODA Student Mini-Grant Application and Guidelines
AODA Student Mini Grant Application *for reference only – all applications must be submitted through the online portal.
Applications must be submitted by 4:00 p.m. on October 2, 2024. Official grant announcement and webinar coming soon.

Examples of mini-grants:
Elementary example
Secondary example

For questions about this information, contact Emily Holder (608) 267-9170