Culturally Responsive, Evidence-Based Practices

School staff and school mental health providers are recognizing the needs of students from diverse cultural backgrounds and offer programs that reduce disparities in services.
Promoting Excellence for All eCourse
The DPI offers the Promoting Excellence for All eCourse to help educators deepen their understanding and use of strategies proven to close the gap.
This eCourse will help educators explore existing beliefs, performance data, and instructional strategies, in order to build the skills of being a race-conscious educator, a competent data user, and an agile instructor responsive to the reality of Wisconsin’s achievement gaps. This learning is intended to have relevance to teaching, leadership, or school improvement planning.
Understanding Microaggression
Learn about microaggressions in schools and how they can harm relationships. This webinar will provide strategies for reducing the likelihood of committing microaggressions as well as strategies for repairing relationships if you do commit a microaggression.
Culturally Responsive Problem Solving
Culturally Responsive Problem Solving: An Evidence Based Approach
Are you wondering how you can help solve student’s difficulties while maintaining cultural responsiveness. Relying on current research, learn about strategies you can use to ensure you are taking a strengths-based approach to accurately identifying a problem that will lead to an effective solution. This is a self-paced webinar which can be viewed in short segments according to individual need.
Dr. Markeda Newell: Culturally Responsive Problem Solving Video
This presentation from Dr. Markeda Newell assists school teams with focusing on solvable problems that result in identifying what educators must do to support individual student needs. These strategies address how teams can address and reframe untrue, unalterable, and unfounded information that puts blame on students or families, and interferes with the identification of problems that lead to needed educational support and services. The information can assist problem solving teams in a school or district’s equitable multilevel system of support as well as assist Individual Educations Program (IEP) teams when discussing a student’s unique and individual disability-related needs during initial special education evaluations, reevaluations, and review/revision IEP meetings. This two-part video can be viewed in 30-minute segments. The content is very similar to the above webinar content, in a live video format.
Culturally Responsive Problem-Solving Guide: An Evidence-Based Guide for Team Practice
The Culturally Responsive Problem-Solving Guide helps educators in honoring cultural backgrounds and remaining committed to supporting students through anti-bias frameworks. The Culturally Responsive Problem-Solving Guide provides strategies that support more culturally relevant decision-making processes in order to help close the gap between students of color and their peers.
Addressing Bias in a Comprehensive Special Education Evaluation
A collection of resources to understand and address the types of bias as they may show up throughout the special education evaluation process. This resource was a collaboration between Wisconsin DPI and Dr. Markeda Newell and aligns with the Culturally Responsive Problem Solving resources on this webpage applied specifically to the special education evaluation process and Individualized Education Program (IEP) teams.