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Medication Training

Medication Training

Medication administration in Wisconsin schools is governed by Wis. Stat. § 118.29. This statute allows private, public, or tribal school administrators to assign the responsibility of medication administration for a student to any school bus operator, any school employee or volunteer. Individuals selected to administer medications must be authorized in writing by the administrator of a school district, board, or agency, and receive the appropriate instruction or training as indicated in Wis. Stat. § 118.29(6).

The training to administer medications must be approved by the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) unless the training is completed by a school bus driver that transports only pupils enrolled in a private school, an employee of a private school, or a volunteer in or for a private school [Wis. Stat. § 118.29(6)(c)]. These individuals are still required to have training, but the training is not required to be approved by DPI. These individuals may use DPI approved and provided training if they choose to do so.

Options for DPI approved training are outlined below. All individuals who are required to have DPI approved training must complete a Basic Medication Administration Principles course either through Option 1 or Option 2. All routes other than oral, ear, eye, and topical require both knowledge training and skills check-off. The knowledge (webcasts) training and assessment tests are to be completed every four years, while the skills competency check-off should be completed annually. Knowledge training and skills check-off is not required for oral medication, but highly recommended.

OPTION 1: Use the links to the DPI modules through this webpage. Districts can show the modules in groups or can have individuals watch the modules on their own computers. Assessment of knowledge is imbedded in the modules or written assessments can be used. There is no certificate of completion generated by the online modules. It is up to the school district to determine how to track completion of the knowledge portion. The skills competency check-off would be completed by a professional nurse, physician, or a skilled and willing parent.

OPTION 2: Use a locally developed or professionally made program that is approved by the Department of Public Instruction. In this option, districts can submit programs to the School Nurse Consultant that they would like to use. Approval of these programs is based on whether the knowledge training requirements would be met. Requirements for an Option 2 program are listed under Administrative Resources. The skills competency check-off would still be completed by a professional nurse, physician, or a skilled and willing parent.

Medication Administration Principles (Option 1)

This program is a self-contained medication basics module that introduces key Wisconsin information for those who will be administering medications. This program includes the Basic Medication Administration Principles and offers a DPI-approved Oral, Ear, Eye, and Topical medication option within the program. Time needed for completion of the Basics program is approximately 15 minutes. Each additional module adds about 10 minutes of time. The participant has the option of taking only one module or all five. Please use Google Chrome while viewing this program.

All Wisconsin school personnel and volunteers authorized to administer medication must complete the Basic Medication Administration Principles course at least once every four years. It can be used as a refresher course annually, as well. At the end of the module, the participant takes an assessment quiz and can then print out test results showing his/her name, date, and passing grade. If preferred, printable copies of tests for oral, ear, eye and topical can be found under Administrative Resources. Your school nurse may also want to perform a skills competency check-off before you begin administering medication.

You may enter the program here: MEDICATION ADMINISTRATION PRINCIPLES (Basic, Oral, Ear, Eye, and Topical).

Note: Tablet users may need to download the articulate mobile player app to view this training.

Buccal Medication
Emergency Epinephrine
Gastrostomy Tube
Inhaler (Rescue)
Injection - General
Intranasal Medication
Nasogastric Medication
Nebulizer Medication
Rectal Medication
For questions about this information, contact Louise Wilson (608) 266-8857