General School Social Work Licensing Information
School Social Work License Questions and Answers - Licensing, Educator Advancement and Development Information Bulletin
More Information
Where can I find more information about school social work in Wisconsin?
- Applying for a DPI license:
- Finding a DPI approved preparation program: Information about Wisconsin approved MSW programs
- Wisconsin approved in-state program completers
- Out-of-state program completers
- One-year license with stipulations (Application for an incomplete WI or Out-of-State (OOS) program, or district requested)
- One-year license with stipulations (Application for WI DSPS credential + MSW)
- Submitting Licensing Questions
- PI34 Administrative Code on Licensure
I have a social work credential; can I be employed by a school district to work as a school social worker without a school social work license from the Department of Public Instruction (DPI)?
No. All professionals fulfilling the responsibilities and job description of a school social worker must have a school social work license issued by DPI.
May a school counselor fulfill the job description of a school social worker and use that title, or vice versa?
No. School counselors and school social workers have different training, theoretical background, practice frameworks, and skill sets. To practice as a school counselor or as a school social worker an individual must possess the appropriate license to do so.
Wisconsin Social Work Credential Information
A DPI school social work license is required to fulfill the job description of a school social worker, though a clinical license is not. Therefore, some school social workers hold both a clinical and school license, and others hold only the school license.
Obtain or Maintain a Social Work Credential - For information related to obtaining or maintaining a social work license or certificate from the WI Marriage and Family Therapy, Professional Counseling, and Social Work Examining Board.
Demonstrating Accountability
Wisconsin School Social Worker Evaluation Framework
- The Wisconsin Pupil Services Evaluation System is an optional professional evaluation system for school social workers (and the other three pupil services professions of school counseling, nursing, and psychology). It is parallel in format and rigor to the Wisconsin Educator Effectiveness System.
Using Data to Document the Benefit of School Social Work Services
Revenues Generated for School Districts by School Social Work Services
Complaints Against School Social Workers
Educator Misconduct - The Department of Public Instruction (DPI) conducts formal investigations of licensed educators based on information received by the DPI that alleges immoral conduct on the part of the licensed educator.
Liability Protections for School Social Workers
For Specific Licensing Questions
Educator Licensing - Contact Form
Please note, if you do not have a Entity/File# (EFN) yet, this section can be left blank in the inquiry form.