Intensive Mental Health Supports for a Few

Students who have intensive needs struggle to learn without proper support in place. When prevention and early interventions do not meet students’ needs, other interventions should be used. At this level of support, schools, students, families, and community providers should be planning together.
Counseling and Support Teams
Schools includes opportunities throughout the school day to receive needed therapy and counseling services. Schools working at Tier 3 in Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports may provide in-school wraparound services.
Emotional Regulation Plans
An emotional regulation plan is family-driven and youth-guided, and is developed with the student in a calm and well-regulated state.
Re-entry Plans
Community treatment facilities communicate with the school (with parent consent) to establish a transition plan to support students returning from hospitalization or residential treatment.
Crisis- and Trauma-Response after a Critical Incident
Following a disaster or critical incident, the school activates its comprehensive safety and response management plan in order to mitigate reactions for those whose coping may be overwhelmed.
Seamless Referral and Follow-Up Processes
When a collaborative team or individual school professional makes a referral to a behavioral health provider in the community, school mental health providers refer, monitor (with consent), and teams with families and the provider until the student is demonstrating improvement.
Deepened Collaboration with Students, Families, and Community Providers
Collaboration and co-planning are standard practice at this intensive level of support.