The three-year district-sponsored license (LWS3) allows the teacher to teach for up to three years in the license area while receiving supervision, mentoring, and professional development. These activities are meant to assist the teacher in becoming proficient in the national standards or in license program content guidelines when no national standards exist for the new subject or grade level. Note: the standards used are teacher preparation standards, not K-12 academic content standards.
Under the law, the LWS3 license is only valid in the requesting district, CESA, or residential school that originally requested the license. At the end of the three-year term, the LWS3 license is not renewable in the same subject area or grade level through the same employing school district, CESA, or residential school.
To be eligible for the three-year, district-sponsored license with stipulations (LWS3), a teacher must:
- Hold a valid Provisional (Tier II), Lifetime (Tier III), or Master Educator (Tier IV) license
- Have at least one year of contracted teaching experience in the requesting district
- Be assigned to teach grades and/or subjects outside what is authorized under their existing Wisconsin license
The employing district, CESA, or residential school must:
- Assign the teacher to a new subject and/or developmental level
- Complete and sign off on the PI-1613 Employment Verification form and the PI-1624 LWS-3 District Request For License With Stipulations form. (See Supplementary Forms)
- Provide appropriate professional development and supervision for the teacher to become proficient in the the new license area so that the teacher is prepared to submit a portfolio to the department by the end of the term of this license.
- Notify DPI if an employee under an LWS3 license leaves employment prior to the end of the three-year term. DPI will begin the invalidation process of that license.
Note: LWS3 licenses are not available for the following areas:
- Speech-language pathology under s. PI 34.047 (4).
- Deaf and hard of hearing under s. PI 34.050.
- Blind and visual impairment under s. PI 34.051.
- American Indian history, culture, and tribal sovereignty license under s. PI 34.056.
- American Indian language license under s. PI 34.055.
- Driver education under s. PI 34.080.
Licensing After LWS3 Term: Portfolio Submission

The Three-Year District-Sponsored License with Stipulations (LWS3) is nonrenewable. Prior to June 30th of the third year of the license term, the teacher must demonstrate eligibility for a Provisional License (Tier II) or Lifetime License (Tier III) in the new license area/grade range via a portfolio demonstrating proficiency in the license area/grade range. Proficiency demonstrated via a portfolio must be confirmed by either obtaining a letter from an approved educator preparation program certifying competency in the license standards or by DPI approval.
The 2024 LWS3 Handbook provides details and information regarding:
- the responsibilities of the educator,
- the responsibilities of the employer,
- stipulation requirements,
- how to assemble and submit the portfolio at the end of the three-year term,
- how the portfolio is evaluated, and
- how to submit your application.
Additional portfolio resources (details regarding use can be found in the Handbook):
Sample Narrative Strategy #1
Sample Narrative Strategy #2
Sample Rubric Format
Note: Portfolio submissions must follow the LWS3 Handbook and rubrics below.
Content Area Portfolio Rubrics
Rubric updates due to changes in preparation standards will occur annually in July. In 2024 all rubrics below were changed to a landscape format to improve readability and clarity should a second review be required.
Bilingual-Bicultural Education
Regular Education
Early Childhood -
Special Education
English as a Second Language (ESL)
For instructions on how to apply for a Three-Year District-Sponsored License (LWS3) see: APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS