IMPORTANT: Paper fingerprint cards are only accepted for applicants who currently do not live in the United States.
Step 1: Obtain the Fingerprint Card
There are two methods of obtaining and completing your fingerprint card.

Option 1: Sent through US Mail
- Request fingerprint cards from us through our Contact Us form.
- DPI will send TWO COPIES of the preprinted, fingerprint cards via US Mail. Your fingerprints must be prepared on both of the DPI-supplied cards.

Option 2: Download & Print
- Download TWO COPIES of the FD-258 fingerprint card from the FBI website.
- Print the cards on 8x8 cardstock.
If paper other than 8x8 cardstock is received, the fingerprint submission will not be accepted.
Step 2: Complete the Cards
Before your fingerprints are taken, fill out all required fields (details below) on each card in black ink. Cards will be returned to you if the required fields are not correctly completed.
Fingerprint Cards Required Fields
Complete all fields on the FBI cards (blue lines and printing on a white background), which are listed on one side of the card.
NAM - Last Name, First Name, Middle Name
Signature of Person Fingerprinted
AKA - Aliases
DOB - Date of Birth: Month, Day, Year
HGT - Height
WGT - Weight
EYES - Eye Color
HAIR - Hair Color
SOC - Social Security Number
The Signature of Official Taking Fingerprints and Date must be completed by the law enforcement official who prepares your prints.
Step 3: Get Fingerprinted
- Contact your nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate to make arrangements to have your fingerprints prepared on BOTH COPIES of the cards.
- Bring photo identification with you for the fingerprinting session.
Step 4: Mail to DPI
- Do not fold or staple the fingerprint cards.
- You must send fingerprint cards separately from your application materials and fee. Application materials and fees must only be submitted through Educator Licensing Online (ELO).
- Once both cards are completed, prepared with your fingerprints and signed, mail them to the Department of Public Instruction at:
Completed cards are forwarded by DPI to the Wisconsin Department of Justice/FBI.