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Special Education Stipulation


The special education stipulation is required for all teacher and administrator licenses in accordance to PI 34.022(7).


Educators must demonstrate knowledge and understanding of procedures used for assessing and providing education for children with disabilities, including the roles and responsibilities of regular and special education providers.

Courses and Workshops that Address this Stipulation

Program Name Contact Website/Information
CESA 6 RITE Program Nancy Jaeger (920) 236-0508 CESA 6 Website: Educator Support Page
CESA 7 Jeremy Wildenberg (920) 615-9666 CESA 7 Website
UW - Milwaukee Christie Peters(414) 229-4352 Meeting Stipulations through UW-M Courses: Includes Application Process
eduCATE - WI eduCATE-Contact Us eduCATE Workshops
UW - Stevens Point School of Education Maggie Beeber(715) 346-2040 UW-Stevens Point Continuing Education Website

Any identified statutory stipulation that can be fulfilled through coursework can be completed at any approved program. However, the above includes information on programs created to specifically address the needs of educators who hold licenses with statutory stipulations.


Submit questions and comments about this information to the Licensing Online Help desk.