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Charter School Licenses

Licensure in Charter Schools-Tier I

There are two licenses available for staff hired in non-virtual charter schools when the person hired does not already hold the appropriate Provisional, Lifetime or Master Educator License in the subject(s) and grades or for the position they hold.

Charter School Teacher

Charter School Principal

Candidates for the Charter School License are issued this five-year license if by June 30 they can verify the following:

  1. Hold a bachelor’s degree from an accredited, four-year institution of higher education;
  2. Assigned to teach in grades and subjects for which they do not hold a Provisional, Lifetime or Master Educator License;
  3. Demonstrate content knowledge in that subject through one of the following:
    • a major or minor at an accredited institution in the subject area
    • passing content knowledge exam
    • DPI assessment of knowledge and competence

How to Apply for a Charter School Principal license:

5-step graphic


1. Determine if you must submit fingerprints

2. Gather Documents

Scan all documentation into files (.pdf, .doc/docx, .jpg/jpeg, or .txt) that are 2MB or less in size

  • Preview the ELO Conduct & Competency Questions to see if you will need to provide documentation of any alleged misconduct.
  • Copy of your school principal license or another credential from another state
  • PI-1613 Work Experience form to confirm at least three years of teaching or pupil services experience at the PK-12 level

3. Log in to Educator Licensing Online (ELO)

  • Within ELO, make sure you have answered the three onboarding questions.
  • Find the APPLY FOR A NEW LICENSE section of the Quick Start Menu. Select the same choices in the drop-down menu in the application screenshot below:

apply for charter school admin license

  • Choose "2-Administrator Category"
  • Choose "F-Administrator - Charter School Principal [A010]"
  • Choose "Administrator: Request First-time Charter School Principal - Out of State License [1020]"
  • Click the “GO!” button.
  • Complete each page of the application as instructed. Review your Application Summary and edit information if necessary OR click the “SUBMIT” button to submit your application.

4. Receive Email Confirmation


5. Complete Application on ELO

  • Click the GO! button next to “Submit C&C and Payment to Complete Application.”
  • Review your fees.
  • Complete the Conduct and Competency Questionnaire (14 questions).
  • Pay with a credit card or pre-paid card.

Next Steps

There are no professional development requirements for renewing this license.

How to Apply for Charter School Teacher License 

5-step graphic

1. Determine if you must submit fingerprints

2. Gather Documents

Scan all documentation into files (.pdf, .doc/docx, .jpg/jpeg, or .txt) that are 2MB or less in size

  • Preview the ELO Conduct & Competency Questions to see if you will need to provide documentation of any alleged misconduct.
  • You will need to scan one of the following documents into a PDF file:


    • Transcript(s) documenting completion of a major or minor in the core subject(s); or,
    • Passing score(s) on Praxis II exam in the core subject(s); OR
    • Verification of successful completion of core subject content knowledge assessment process approved by the state superintendent.

3. Log in to Educator Licensing Online (ELO)

  • Within ELO, make sure you have answered the three onboarding questions, and that your current license(s) are listed in your profile.
  • Go to the ELO’s Quick Start Menu/ Apply for a License. See screenshot below:

T400 1015

  • Choose "1-Teacher Category"
  • Choose "G-Charter School License [T400]"
  • Choose "Charter School License: Request Educator License 5 year [1015, 1 of 2]"

Please Note:

There are two transactions for this application. The first transaction is used to gather pertinent data and must be approved by DPI before you can complete the second transaction. There may be a time-lag between your submission of the first transaction and DPI’s notification to you that you may move to the second transaction.

4. Receive Email Confirmation


5. Complete Application on ELO

  • Click the GO! button next to “Submit C&C and Payment to Complete Application.”
  • Review your fees.
  • Complete the Conduct and Competency Questionnaire (14 questions).
  • Pay with a credit card or pre-paid card.


Note about licensing in virtual Charter Schools:

Up until the 2017-19 State Budget, staff hired to work in a virtual charter school had to hold a valid WI Provisional, Lifetime or Master Educator License (formerly: Initial Educator or Professional Educator license). Changes to state law under s. 118.19 (1b), s. 118.40 (8) (b), and s.121.02 now allow online teachers located in other states to teach WI students online courses under a valid license from that state. Teachers located in WI must still obtain a Provisional, Lifetime or Master Educator License in the grades and subjects of their assignment. The above Charter School License is not an option for teachers in a virtual charter school setting.

(For more information about charter schools, please see

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