Reading and Language Arts Instruction is required for teachers in regular (EC, EC-MC, MC-EA, K-9), special education (EC, MC-EA, EA-A, K-12), reading teacher and administrative reading specialist in accordance to Wisconsin State statute §118.19(12) and PI 34.022(6).
Due to changes enacted in 2023 Wisconsin Act 20, the conditions for meeting the requirements of this stipulation will change effective with applications received on or after July 1, 2025. After that date, in order to meet this stipulation applicants must have completed instruction that prepared the applicant to teach reading and language arts using science−based early reading instruction, as defined in Wis. Stats. §118.015 (1c) (b) to include:
- Phonological awareness, including word awareness, rhyme recognition, repetition and creation of alliteration, syllable counting or identification, onset, and rime manipulation,
- Phonemic awareness, including phoneme identification, isolation, blending, segmentation, addition, substitution, and deletion,
- Phonics,
- Building background knowledge,
- Oral language development,
- Vocabulary building to develop lexical and morphological knowledge,
- Instruction in writing,
- Instruction in comprehension, and
- Reading fluency.
Educators must demonstrate knowledge and understanding of teaching reading and language arts using appropriate instructional methods including phonics to teach reading and language arts to pupils in grades PK to 6. "Phonics" means a method of teaching beginners to read and pronounce words by learning the phonetic value of letters, letter groups, and syllables.
Courses that address this stipulation and meet the state statutory requirements that go into effect on July 1, 2025.
Approved Educator Preparation Program Entity | Course Name |
CESA 6 Resideny in Teacher Education (RITE) Program |
Reading and Language Arts Instruction |
CESA 7 Teacher Development Center | Foundations of Literacy |
eduCATE-WI | Reading and Language Arts Instruction |
The entities above offer these courses to those in their approved educator preparation programs and to those outside their programs to meet statutory stipulations.