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Mandatory School District Reporting of Educator Misconduct

Under "license or permit revocation; reports; investigations,"(Wis. Stat. 115.31), school district administrators are required to report to the state superintendent the name of a person employed by the educational agency who meets the statutorily-defined criteria in Wis. Stat. 115.31.

Districts may use the License Review Referral Form PI-1620 when submitting the report via email to  


  • Educational agencies are required to include a complete copy of the licensee’s personnel file and all records related to any investigation of the licensee conducted by or on behalf of the educational agency when a referral to DPI is made - Wis. Stat. 115.31 (3).
  • Wisconsin open records law specifically allows the transfer of a record by the administrator of an educational agency to the state superintendent of public instruction – Wis. Stat. 19.356 (2)(d).
  • FERPA does not prohibit the release of the investigative materials to DPI, even if they contain student information.

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