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ELO First-time Application and Renewal Directions for Orientation & Mobility License

Directions for first-time orientation & mobility applicants

Renewing an orientation and mobility license

First-Time Applicants: Orientation and Mobility License

Eligibility Requirements:

Submit application and transcripts that are evidence of:

  1. Demonstrated knowledge and understanding of all of the following concepts:
    1. Child or adolescent psychology;
    2. Measurement and evaluation;
    3. Psychology of education or educational psychology;
    4. Curriculum and methods of instruction; and
  2. Completed an Orientation and Mobility program approved by the Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired.

First-time Application Directions

5-step graphic

1. Determine if you must submit fingerprints

Use the fingerprint decision tree to determine if this step is needed. If you have determined that you need fingerprints, submit them electronically via our vendor Fieldprint by following the Electronic Fingerprint Submission directions.

2. Gather Documents

Scan all documentation into files (.pdf, .doc/docx, .jpg/jpeg, or .txt) that are 2MB or less in size

  • Preview the ELO Conduct & Competency Questions to see if you will need to provide documentation of any alleged misconduct.
  • PI-1612-OM form completed by the appropriate designee at your approved orientation and mobility program.

3. Log in to Educator Licensing Online (ELO)

  • Within ELO, make sure you have answered the three onboarding questions.
  • Find the Start a New Transaction for a New License section of the Quick Start Menu. Select the same choices in the three drop-downs in the application screenshot below:

O060 - 1020

  • Choose "4-Other Category"
  • Choose "H-Orientation & Mobility License [O060]"
  • Choose "Request Orientation & Mobility License [1020]"
  • Click the “GO!” button.
  • Complete each page of the application as instructed. Review your Application Summary and edit information if necessary OR click the “SUBMIT” button to submit your application.

4. Receive Email Confirmation


5. Complete Application on ELO

  • Click the GO! button next to “Submit C&C and Payment to Complete Application.”
  • Review your fees.
  • Complete the Conduct and Competency Questionnaire (14 questions).
  • Pay with a credit card or pre-paid card. For fee amounts and additional payment information please see License Application Fees.

Renewing an Orientation and Mobility License

The PI 34 chapter regarding Orientation and Mobility licenses can be found under subchapter 10, Related Services Areas and Other Licenses, PI 34.089. An Orientation and Mobility license may be renewed if the licensee meets one of the following requirements:

  1. Certification from the Academy for Certification of Vision Rehabilitation and Education Professionals (ACVREP).
  2. Certification from the National Blindness Professional Certification Board.
  3. Completion of six semester credits from an accredited institution of higher education.

Note: Orientation and Mobility licenses were not included in the Lifetime licenses that were created in the 2017-2019 state budget (2017 Wisconsin Act 59).

Renewal Application Directions

5-step graphic

1. Determine if you must submit fingerprints

2. Gather Documents

Scan all documentation into files (.pdf, .doc/docx, .jpg/jpeg, or .txt) that are 2MB or less in size

  • Go to the "Manage your license information" section and choose the "Request License Action [6090]" transaction from the drop-down menu next to your current license.

  • Complete each page of the application as instructed. Review your Application Summary and edit information if necessary OR click the “SUBMIT” button to submit your application.

4. Receive Email Confirmation


5. Complete Application on ELO

  • Click the GO! button next to “Submit C&C and Payment to Complete Application.”
  • Review your fees.
  • Complete the Conduct and Competency Questionnaire (14 questions).
  • Pay with a credit card or pre-paid card. For fee amounts and additional payment information please see License Application Fees.


Our processing times vary throughout the year. For current processing times see Check Application Status.


Submit questions and comments about this information to the Licensing Online Help desk.