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Comprehensive Special Education Evaluation


Video Playlist for Comprehensive Special Education Evaluation

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This video playlist of recorded professional development webinars provide additional information related to comprehensive special education evaluation and are based on the resources found on this web page.

Information Update Bulletin 21.01: Special Education Evaluation

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Click on the bulletin to learn about general obligations related to conducting evaluations, the relationship between evaluations and IEP goals, and how an evaluation should function within an equitable multilevel system of support.

A Framework for Comprehensive Special Education Evaluation

circular puzzle pieces fit together

Click on this section to identify the key points that make up a comprehensive special education evaluation, learn why the framework was developed, and use a chart that takes IEP teams through the process of conducting a comprehensive special education evaluation.

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Comprehensive Special Education Evaluation within an Equitable Multi-Level System of Support (MLSS)

graphic representing eMLSS

Click on this section for information to assist IEP teams in understanding how special education evaluations fit within a district’s equitable multi-level system of support and to identify the general exclusions that IEP teams must consider before determining special education eligibility.

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Comprehensive Special Education Evaluation - Why it Matters

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Click on this section for guiding questions that may assist IEP teams with developing a “needs” based mindset in which educators focus on identifying a student’s needs over a sole focus on collecting information to determine a disability “label."

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Addressing Bias in a Comprehensive Special Education Evaluation

Six Areas of Academic and Functional Skill

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Click on this section for information to assist IEP teams with identifying academic and functional skill areas that should be considered during the review of existing data to help plan a comprehensive special education evaluation to ensure that nothing is missed in relation to a student’s strengths and needs.

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Related Legal Citations

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Click on this section for information about key Individual with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requirements that support the comprehensive special education framework.

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The Role of Medical and Clinical Information in Special Education Evaluation and IEP Development

Schools and IEP teams often receive information from medical or clinical providers when conducting comprehensive special education evaluations and when developing a student's Individualized Education Program (IEP). To clarify the important role medical and clinical information has in special education evaluation and IEP processes, Wisconsin DPI developed this informational resource document.

Assessing English Learners when Conducting Comprehensive Special Education Evaluations

The intersection of English Language Learners and Students with Disabilities requires additional considerations when conducting comprehensive special education evaluations.  This resource document provides guiding questions and resources to assist IEP teams with the special education evaluation process and decision making when considering special education eligibility for students also identified as English Learners.

Comprehensive Early Childhood Assessment Guide: Screening, Evaluation, Ongoing Assessment, Program Assessment

This tool was developed to help educators identify early learning assessment tools to assist in conducting a comprehensive special education evaluation for early learners.

Trauma and Comprehensive Special Education Evaluation

The purpose of this resource is to highlight important IEP team considerations when conducting an initial comprehensive special education evaluation or reevaluation of students who may have experienced trauma.